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上帝為您制定了驚人的計劃(耶利米書29:11) ,而您現在感到的痛苦不是上帝為您準備的。

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Get healed in Jesus name! 
Overcome your Trauma.

For over 13 years, Pastor Timothy has been used by God to help thousands to gain freedom from the enemy's stronghold. Learn how to use God's word for spiritual warfare through inner healing and recognize the enemy's tactics when he comes against you.

Start experiencing the Joy of the Lord over your life, start being led by the Lord and begin to hear His voice even clearer. Stop the bad cycles in your life of anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, worthlessness and rise victorious in Jesus Christ.

Get Healed and restored by the Lord over relationships, marriages and trauma. Fulfil your destiny and be the person God called you to be.

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Trauma come in many forms.

When to seek help for Trauma

Recovering from trauma takes some time, and everybody heals at their own speed. However, if weeks have passed and your symptoms are not letting up, you might need expert help from a Christian trauma specialist that focuses on healing your trauma at the root in Jesus name. 


Seek help for Injury if you Are:

  • Having difficulty working at home or work

  • Experiencing acute anxiety, nervousness, or depression

  • Struggling to form intimate, fulfilling relationship

  • Experiencing terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashback

  • Avoiding more and more anything which reminds you of the injury

  • Emotionally numb and disconnected from other people

  • Using drugs or alcohol to feel better

We are passionate about helping you live resilient, joyful, and meaningful lives by walking with the Lord. We use Biblical teaching to provide a solid foundation of support.

If inner healing
 support would bless you or someone you know, please reach out to us. We would love to help!

Testimony of Healing:
Relationship Trauma (PTSD) and Fear Healed



他治癒傷心的人,並束縛他們的傷口。 (詩篇147:3)




  • 一次性事件,例如撞車,受傷或暴力攻擊,身體,語言或性虐待,身體疼痛,尤其是在兒童期未曾預料或發生的情況下。

  • 持續不斷的焦慮感,例如生活在犯罪纏身的地區,與威脅生命的疾病作鬥爭或經歷不同程度的創傷性事件,例如欺凌,家庭暴力或童年時代的疏忽。

  • 通常被忽略的原因,例如手術(特別是在生命的前三年),某人的突然死亡,親密關係的分離,甚至是屈辱的或極為令人失望的經歷,特別是當某人故意殘酷時。


我們處理這種創傷的方式是分離。我們通過不記得過去的傷害,朋友,家人和陌生人在任何年齡造成的過去的傷害來解除聯繫。既然那些過去的傷痛(傷口)還沒有被耶穌醫治,他們就打開門,這使敵人有了折磨我們的合法權利(馬太福音18:23-35) 。敵人在過去的靈魂創傷中折磨著我們,它可能在我們的思想中影響我們(充滿絕望的感覺,帶來沮喪,恐懼,焦慮,憤怒,拒絕,遺棄或絕望之類的情緒上升),它也可能在我們心中影響我們。我們的身體(患有疾病,疼痛,無法診斷的醫療狀況或在身體周圍移動的疼痛或疾病)。







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  • Heal Elevated Emotions (Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Rejection, Abandonment, Despair)

  • Heal Trauma (Physical or Mental) (Psalm 137)

  • Heal Abuse (Verbal, Physical, or Sexual) (Psalm 9:9)

  • Heal struggling with repeated emotional overreaction (James 1:20)

  • Heal PTSD (Psalm 27:1-3)

  • Heal Pain or illness that moves around the body (Job 2:7)

  • Heal Health Issues that Doctors can’t diagnose (Luke 8:43-48)

  • Heal Eating Disorders, Bulimia, Anorexia (1 Corinthians 6:19–20)

  • Heal the Inability or difficulty reading the Bible or praying

  • Heal MPD (multiple personality disorder) (Luke 4:41)

  • Heal DID (dissociative identity disorder)

  • Heal Suicidal thoughts (Ephesians 5:29) & Thoughts of Self Harm (Leviticus 19:28)

  • Heal Demonic Oppression (Seeing (Psalm 4:8), Hearing (Matthew 4:1-11) & Feeling Demons)

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.





About Pastor Timothy Tomlinson

My name is Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, and I have spent over 15 years in ministry, serving in roles from worship pastor to senior pastor, and currently lead Healing the Brokenhearted, a Christian Counseling Ministry. My career began at New Life Ministries, where I focused on marriage guidance and supporting troubled youth, guided by mentors who enriched my approach to spiritual and personal counseling. This foundation has been crucial in developing my skills in Christian Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Exorcisms under the mentorship of Dr. Scott Bicton, and in Biblical Counseling, enhancing my understanding of scripture and pastoral care.

At Healing the Brokenhearted, we specialize in pastoral counseling, inner healing, deliverance, and facilitating spiritual encounters in the Courts of Heaven. Our goal is to support those facing spiritual and emotional challenges by providing personalized care and opportunities to engage directly with the transformative power of Jesus. My own experiences of personal loss and recovery through God’s grace drive my passion to share healing and hope. If you are seeking a path to recovery and spiritual growth, I invite you to join us at Healing the Brokenhearted, where we are dedicated to guiding you through your journey with empathy and faith.

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