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What are the courts of heaven?

What exactly are The Courts of Heaven? And why did Jesus use this as one of His disciples' prayer strategies? Jesus summons us to Heaven's Mercy Court as a judicial system and informs us that an unjust thing has happened to a widowed woman. In this parable, she pursues an unjust judge (Luke 18) who ignores her petitions for awhile and finally because of her persistence gives in because she was was driving him insane.

Jesus explains that we can approach him in this manner. And he claims that this will be one of the quickest ways for us to gain our freedom. Why would we approach him in this manner in this just judicial system? For starters, we can approach Jesus as a friend and father and continue to knock seek, ask and believe. We've been knocking and asking and if we are still stuck in our prayer then we come to Jesus as judge.

Jesus explains that pursuing him in this manner will be the quickest way because we will be bringing up the issues at hand. Jesus will search deep inside. He'll reveal what he wants to resolve and set you free as an example, allowing you to say that you're stuck in your finances.

Come before the Lord and say, Jesus, here's a list of charges, and I'm feeling blocked from blah, blah, blah, Jesus, what charges are here? Jesus will show you what these open doors are. Jesus then resolves the problems by performing inner healing and applying the blood. He relieves the pain of demonic oppression and assists you in forgiving those who have hurt you. Then Jesus forgives you, testifies before the Heavenly Father, shares the good news that it has been healed, and gives you permission to proceed by confirming it in your heart. Then he'll tell you if there are any more open doorways here, so you can eventually have it restored by the Lord.

The entire goal of The Courts of Heaven is to refine you, set you free, and get you on the path where he can use you the most. That is why the courts of Heaven are such an important area for Christians who are being tugged on your heart to learn about it. If He's tugging at your heart, get our training and learn more about it and start operating in it today so you can have your victory and the Lord can begin using you for His purpose, the Ministry, in Jesus' name.


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