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Transformative Outreach: Jesus’ Teachings and Actions in Matthew 9

This blog covers our Wednesday Night Service from August 7, 2024. The topic of this blog is "Free Deliverance Service"

In Matthew 9:1-13 of the New Living Translation (NLT), Jesus heals a paralytic and calls Matthew the tax collector. This passage has a lot to offer in terms of storytelling as well as teaching, with many of the strategic and tactical principles that Jesus passed on to His disciples being found here. Let’s go through this section verse by verse so we can understand what those strategies are:

1. Authority Over Sickness and Sin (Verses 1-8)

Jesus didn’t just heal a man who couldn't walk; He forgave him of his sins, thus healing him both physically and spiritually. This twofold method of healing highlights an important strategy:

Holistic Healing: Complete Restoration Through Faith: Matthew 9:1-8 illustrates the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man. This is an example of how true healing encompasses body, mind, and spirit. In doing so, it exhibits His authority over not only physical but spiritual matters and sins too.

On our path to being healed or restored, Jesus is not just our healer; He’s also our counselor and friend. One thing this passage teaches us is that we should never lose heart but keep on asking for help from Him, as was demonstrated in Luke 11:5-8 through the parable about a friend at midnight who needed bread urgently because someone had arrived tired from their journey. Another lesson is that we need to persistently call upon His name with faith.

Another area where Jesus teaches about effective prayer has its basis on belief, which moves God’s hand mightily. So when knocking like never before, when asking and expecting more than ever before, while seeking in line with what He taught us, then everything else falls into place. Such prayers bring a closer relationship between God and humanity, thus making them stronger spiritually, enabling individuals to remain firm, believing always that He will come through for them whenever they need His support most.

2. Calling of Matthew (Verses 9-13)

Jesus invites Matthew, a tax collector, to become His disciple. Tax collectors were generally viewed as traitors and sinners due to their association with collecting taxes for the Roman Empire.

Inclusive Outreach: Embracing All with the Promise of Redemption: In Matthew 9:9-13, Jesus shows His commitment to inclusive outreach by calling Matthew, a tax collector popularly considered a sinner in the community. This is not only about creating diversity among disciples; it is a radical statement that the kingdom of God is for all people—regardless of what they have done or where they come from.

We need to remember that many characters in the Bible had messy histories too! Murderers, adulterers, and people who openly rebelled against God were not disqualified from serving Him because of their sin. In fact, when these individuals turned towards Him, not only did He forgive them but also raised some to positions of great influence within His kingdom. Their weaknesses became strengths through which others could be saved.

This means that our failures and past do not make us unworthy of love from God or incapable of fulfilling His purpose for our lives. He takes us just as we are; there’s no need to “fix” ourselves before allowing Him to work on us. Such kindness formed an important part of Jesus’ ministry strategy whereby He invited everyone without exception but with unconditional regard for self-transformational power rooted in His own love and forgiveness. Therefore, let us adopt this attitude too—accepting each person unconditionally while recognizing that they may not be living up to standard presently but can become anything through Christ who strengthens them.

Lesson on Mercy: Engaging Others with Compassion and Relevance: Whenever Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for eating with sinners, He responded by citing Hosea 6:6: "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." This implies that Jesus valued compassion and knowing more than mere obedience to religious rules or judgment of others. Instead of concentrating on ceremonial laws, He was shifting the emphasis to people's needs within a network of relationships.

Jesus did not only teach at a distance; He also involved Himself in their lives. He ate and drank with them, talking with them sincerely instead of just giving speeches. One thing to note is that while Jesus attended these feasts, He didn't drink excessively or compromise His principles. This means that He met people right where they were in their life situation.

The approach used by Jesus indicates we should feel comfortable hanging out with friends who do not believe what we do. Actually, this is necessary because it provides an opportunity for us to express the love of Christ through our deeds as well as words relevant to their lives. We are not supposed to impose our faith on them but rather live according to what Jesus taught, being conscious that sometimes we may need to ask, "How can I let my light shine before all men so they see good works and glorify our Father in heaven?" Whether around relatives, close associates, siblings, colleagues, schoolmates, neighbors, strangers, or even acquaintances, thereby making religion appear a natural part of life instead of something done out of force.

Application of These Strategies in Ministry:

As we progress and deepen our faith in Christ, the victories we experience in our lives serve as potent testimonials to God’s grace and healing power. Each triumph not only bolsters our own faith but also equips us to aid others on their paths to liberation. By incorporating Jesus’s teachings into our approach to inner healing, we can lead others to their own moments of breakthrough. Remember, we are all integral components of the body of Christ, and by adhering to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can facilitate healing and deliverance for others. These methods hold particular significance for you because you play a crucial role in this transformative process. Let’s delve into how these teachings can be applied in ministry to further extend God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holistic Approach: Steps for Healing Through Jesus Christ

When engaging in ministry, it's essential to understand the straightforward steps to assist others in healing through invoking the name and authority of Jesus Christ. Begin today by participating in our complimentary training on Spiritual Warfare, which is designed to equip you with the tools for self-inner healing. Once you master these techniques, pass them on to your friends. Guide them through the process and encourage them to echo your prayers. Pose the question, "Do you believe Jesus can heal this?" When they affirm, lead them through the steps, enabling Jesus to facilitate breakthroughs in their lives. This approach not only promotes individual healing but also strengthens community ties through collective experiences of divine intervention and transformation.

Community Building: Inclusive Outreach

It is important to create communities that are inclusive and welcoming, especially for those who are often forgotten or ignored, such as the aged, homeless people, and immigrants. For instance, giving them food, clothing, or other necessary items not only gives instant relief but also shows directly the love of Jesus Christ. It is also an act of kindness towards the society around us when we spend some time mentoring young ones, visiting lonely old people just to keep them company, or teaching language skills to foreigners, which further enriches the community while binding it closer through support and acceptance.

When you have a calling for this kind of work, it is very important that you let the Holy Spirit guide your steps henceforth. Getting divine directions ensures that what you do is in line with what God wants done, thus making everything more successful. Such evangelism serves greatly in advancing unity among different groups, thereby greatly expanding God’s kingdom too. By giving up your time, money, or talent, you will be helping build a vibrant society where no one feels left out due to their background or situation. This diversity based on unity does not only make people strong internally but also acts as a shining example showing love to others outside our communities who may be hopeless about finding it anywhere else.

Compassion Over Tradition

When you deal with other people, prioritize compassion and mercy over traditional or cultural conventions. For example, this may require questioning certain church or community customs that place more importance on ritual than authentic concern. Do not judge individuals by how they look, what they do, or where they find themselves; whether a person is homeless, mentally ill, or even relatives behaving strangely. In case you find it difficult to implement this, ask Christ to enable you to perceive everyone through His loving and empathetic gaze, hence fostering an inclusive atmosphere that recognizes the worth of all people without exception.

Teaching Through Actions

Jesus used His actions as teachable moments for His disciples. He taught principles by behaving in a way that showed them to the people around Him. Similarly, leaders are required today to act out the values and behaviors they want others around them to have. This means being honest and matching words with deeds.

In this context, it is important that individuals do not only talk about values but also live them out so that they can be seen by everyone within their environment. The reason why leaders should practice what they preach is because doing so makes people trust and respect them more, which increases their level of influence over such followers, thus becoming effective in whatever they undertake. At all levels, whether community-based leadership, workplace, or family setup, when those in charge consistently demonstrate good morals, then those under their care will take after these positive examples, thereby creating an atmosphere where righteousness thrives naturally.

To me, this is one of the most significant aspects of leadership, which tends to work towards ensuring that we are living in environments where virtues are not just ideals but actual realities which can be seen.

In conclusion, Matthew 9:1-13 offers significant lessons from Jesus about His approach to helping and teaching others, lessons that remain crucial for us today. These teachings provide insights into effective leadership and the compassionate care of people within our communities. They instruct us on the importance of empathy and understanding in our interactions, whether we are aiding someone in need or guiding a group.

That’s the reason why we’ve made this Spiritual Warfare & Self Inner Healing Free Online Course. We designed our program in such a manner as to enable you to find out who you really are by connecting with Jesus Christ as a friend, your savior, and a loving father. Our aim is to give people power to recover from emotional hurts, depression, anxiety disorders, hopelessness and even demonic oppressions through turning towards Jesus Christ alone. Through video lessons, audio teachings, weekly interactive support services plus additional materials for support; participants are equipped not only break satanic strongholds over our lives but also achieve deeper inner recovery for more fruitful relationship with God. Start today on the path of liberty!

By emulating Jesus’ methods, we can use these lessons as a blueprint to positively influence the lives of those around us. His example serves as a powerful guide, showing us that our actions and approaches in leadership should prioritize kindness and effective communication. This not only fosters a supportive environment but also ensures that we make a meaningful impact, just as Jesus did with His disciples and the many others He encountered.


Pastor Timothy Tomlinson

Healing The Brokenhearted

References to Additional Resources:


  1. YouVersion ( YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.

Online Courses

  1. "Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

  2. "Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.

  3. "The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, enabling participants to gain freedom from the enemy and experience healing through accessing the Mercy Court of Heaven.


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