The Power of Engaging the Courts of Heaven
Hey there! We’re going to talk about something super cool today – activating breakthroughs in the Courts of Heaven. This is a spiritual principle that has to do with getting into God’s legal system in order to ask for justice, redemption, or a breakthrough from the ultimate Judge. Our talk will be based on the Bible because it’s the most trustworthy source we have for understanding what’s going on up there and how we can take part in it down here.
We’re looking at Chapter 10 of my book “The Daniel Prayer Playbook: Strategies for Victory through the Heavenly Courts.” This chapter is all about how to activate breakthroughs in the Courts of Heaven and it does this by using the prophet Daniel as an example. It also shows us what needs to happen if we want God to step into our lives miraculously. If you want things set right, freed up, flipped around or totally transformed this is where you learn how to work with them in heaven according to his playbook.
This blog covers our Wednesday Night Service from August 14, 2024. The topic of this blog is "Mentoring on The Courts of Heaven"
1. Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer
If you want to get involved in the Courts of Heaven, it is important that you develop a lifestyle of prayer. This means much more than praying at specific times; rather, it is creating a deep and continuous relationship with Jesus Christ which affects every area of our existence. When we pray regularly, we position ourselves with His desires in mind so that what we do or decide comes from an understanding shaped by wisdom received from Him. Such close contact with God grows our faith and makes us brave enough to fearlessly come before the Courts of Heaven.
Living in a state of prayer at all times allows us to hear God better and answer Him whenever. This means that we should always be ready in our hearts and minds for His coming into our lives. Trusting more deeply in Him comes through daily praying which lets us rely on Him more fully so that even when everything falls apart there is still peace inside us. It also makes us understand what the Holy Spirit wants to do or say next thus enabling us enter into courts of heaven where angels’ justice can be obtained through prayers backed by understanding spirit led boldness until manifestation occurs as well as opening doors for miracles signs wonders revival breakthroughs etcetera.
Set a Place: Creating a specific place to meet with God is a great method for establishing a stronger relationship with Him. If you pick out somewhere that you frequently pray and reflect on, it becomes holy; somewhere where you are bound to have an experience with God. This may be in any quiet area of your house or apartment, a chair you like sitting in everyday, or even somewhere outside surrounded by trees and animals; wherever it is important that the ground remains constant because this will let our brains know when its time to start thinking about Him. Having an intentional space prepares our hearts and minds so that we might come before Him humbly expecting miracles.
Creating a fixed meeting place with God is also helpful in establishing routine which makes it easy to be consistent with your prayer life. You will start associating this location with calmness, meditation, and the presence of God as time goes by making it possible for you to still your thoughts and interact with Him completely. When you set aside this area for spending time with Him, it creates a setting where all other things can be shut out and one can only wait on His voice thus drawing near to His heart.
Schedule It: Setting apart some particular time on your schedule every day for prayer is an effective method of giving priority to your relationship with God. You know that you should allocate specific times for important meetings or appointments; likewise, dedicating some moments to communicate with Him proves that you are serious about connecting with Him. Being proactive about when this happens guarantees that one does not neglect their spiritual life due to being caught up in worldly affairs. This daily habit establishes a pattern which nurtures growth in the spirit and strengthens personal belief.
Doing this not only helps you keep yourself in line, but it also puts an expectation before your heart that you will come into contact with God. When a person knows they should pray at the same time every day, they are likely to eagerly await it and prepare themselves for hearing from Him and feeling His presence. In the long run, such routine is what makes your spiritual life strong because it becomes second nature to engage in constant and concentrated prayer throughout the day. By making this part of your daily routine, you create space within each twenty-four hours for him thus paving way for continuous change alongside relationship development with Him.
Journal Prayers: To write your prayers is a powerful method of expressing thoughts and emotions; it helps you understand and articulate your struggles and concerns clearly. When you write down what you pray for, it makes everything slower giving room for deeper thinking on what exactly one asks of God, thus leading to clarity and understanding which might not have been achieved before. Moreover, this process does not only let us see through our difficulties but also cements breakthroughs or revelations in memory so that they become part of us forever. Putting down things into language establishes bridge between prayer points and divine answers received.
Moreover, prayers that are written down also provide a permanent account of your life with God. As time goes by, you can refer to your diary and observe how He responded to your supplications, led you in moments of adversity and drew you nearer to Himself. This record serves to inspire us when we are low and reminds us that His support has never wavered. It fosters faith by assuring us that since the Lord has stood beside us previously, He will not leave us hereafter either. When you write down what you pray for it is like keeping evidence about good things from God because then it becomes hard not to believe he exists; this should be done not only as an act of devotion but also for personal reasons – so much so that others may see.
Pray Scripture: To align your prayers with His will, it is a powerful way to speak God’s Word back to Him through transforming Bible passages into personalized prayers. When changed into prayer, the truth and promise that can be found in the scripture are taken thus agreeing with what God has said and inviting His power and presence into our situations. It does not only help us understand the Bible better but also strengthens our faith when we see His promises being fulfilled in our own lives. Praying scriptures makes your request more effective because you base them on reality which means they cannot miss or go against anything He wants to do in your life.
Use Prayer Lists: To help people pray about every area of their lives, it is a good idea to create categories such as relationships, finances or missions. By putting our prayer into different parts we can look at all the different sides of our life systematically so no part gets missed out. This technique keeps us on track during prayers and also brings equilibrium into our spiritualities by enabling us to raise up everything that matters most in front of God. Whether each day you pray for these things or take turns throughout the week having an organized list will ensure that every need and worry is consistently brought before the Lord resulting in deeper more purposeful times of prayer.
Prayer Walk: To request divine intervention in people’s lives, another useful way is to take a stroll around where you live and pray for the families you come across. You could implore that every dwelling place be safeguarded, provided for and filled with God’s presence as you journey through your society. Not only does this foster closer ties between you and the community around but also makes your walking such a mighty intercessory act that calls for blessings from God into others’ lives even as they undergo transformation. When you ask the Almighty to touch each neighbor through such prayers, it becomes more than just being involved with what He is doing within your locality; therefore, by so doing a person brings heaven down earth by being an answer themselves!
By keeping up with these practices, you will not only grow closer to God but also become better prepared for participating in the Courts of Heaven. Every habit – setting aside time for prayer, recording your prayers, turning Scripture into personal petitions – constructs a spiritual foundation under you, aligning your heart with His and intensifying the bond between you two. The reason why this consistency is important lies in its ability to equip us with knowledge about how courtrooms work so that when we enter them there will be no confusion on our part as this familiarity breeds confidence; thus equipped nothing shall hold us back from asking God’s Kingdom come by any means necessary until justice reigns through all eternity.
2. Preparing Your Heart to Engage God
In order to engage the courts of heaven, it is important to still your spirit and remove anything that distracts you from doing so. We easily become preoccupied with our many concerns such as what we have to do or noise coming from outside in this busy lifestyle. Making an effort to quiet one’s thoughts intentionally helps create space within us for hearing God well. Therefore, we need moments where we stop all the hustle around us; find inner peace so that getting closer with Him becomes easy.
Apart from calming your spirit, preparing your heart involves resetting your intentions and fixing them back on God. Therefore, it is important to evaluate why you want or need to go before the throne of heaven; make sure that what you’re asking for is in line with His will and not based on selfishness. This involves seeking after Him, asking for a clean heart and dropping any personal ambition. By re-focusing yourself towards God, you will be able to come near the courts of heaven sincerely and humbly desiring for justice according to His mercies but not yours with wrong motives in mind.
Confession/Repentance: Begin with requesting the Holy Spirit to detect sin that you have not confessed. Allow Him expose whatever may be obstructing your relationship with God. When you repent genuinely and accept His forgiveness, trusting that He will purify you from all unrighteousness; this step is important in aligning our hearts with God’s desires for us. It ensures any wrong thing within us is set right. We should therefore desire deeper intimacy with God by asking him to illuminate areas we need his grace so as to realign our lives according to what he wants us do (Psalm 139:23-24).
Gratitude: Reflect on God’s faithfulness and give thanks for everything He has done in your life. When you are grateful, you start thinking about the Lord’s kindness, which means that you remember His company and His supplies always being with us. Doing this not only lifts up your spirit but also makes it more willing to recognize even larger gifts from Him; this also lets such blessings come into our lives and allows us to enter into a deeper relationship with God (Psalm 100:4-5). By admitting what He did before, trust is built for what he does next in one’s life.
Scripture Meditation: Reflect upon a passage about the kindness of God. Let it sink into your head and heart. Enriched by this contemplation, open yourself to God’s presence and guidance. This type of meditation leads to a greater knowledge of what kind of person He is; thus, it enables us not only know Him better but also be able to relate with Him more deeply. We should understand then that such deep thinking prepares our hearts for encountering Him on a personal level where His words become alive in us through faith (Romans 10:17). If we want to build an intimate relationship with someone or something, we must spend time getting familiar with them/it; likewise, if one truly desires intimacy with God Almighty, spending some quality moments meditating over His word will serve as a foundation for establishing such closeness between him/herself and God because no other approach can bring us nearer to Him than this one!
Worship: Express your love and thankfulness to God by praying or singing. While you sing or pray, let worshiping act as a way of releasing all your troubles and worries because you know that He is in control. You can draw nearer to the heart of God when you shift your focus from your problems to His greatness through worship; this can also be done by praising Him for who He is. It creates an atmosphere where peace fills our spirits; we realize that he is near us and will never leave nor fail us (Psalm 62:5-8). Worship is therefore not only a source of joy but also a deep well from which faith springs up stronger than ever before especially when it seems impossible!
Silence: Take some time to be silent in front of God. Let the noise of life fade away as you go. In this quietness, all of your being becomes centered: mind, spirit – everything; for nothing clouds thought more than the hustle and bustle which usually surround them. This moment of hush is meant to help us concentrate on God alone so that we may hear better what he says (Ps 46:10). If we make deliberate efforts at silence, we shall find ourselves becoming more conscious about His nearness; hence, letting His tranquility flood our hearts while allowing Him lead us into deeper understanding.
Journaling: Allocate some time to jotting down your prayers, thoughts or anything that could be on your mind. This enables you contemplate them more deeply and realize what you feel or think about them. If you start verbalizing your worries or wishes during prayer, this exercise may enable it because it arranges and focuses your thoughts. By writing from the innermost part of yourself, you pave the way for sincere self-examination as well as spiritual development which in turn prepares one to come before God with clean hands and a pure heart. The Bible tells us to “Trust him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before him: God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8). Therefore let’s be genuine in our conversations with God.
These exercises serve to align our hearts with God by establishing intentional connections and moments of reflection. Each practice brings us near His presence as it reflects our spirits with His desires. We can meditate silently or write down what we think about or pray for; alternatively, we may worship actively – any of these will do. If we spare some time frequently to concentrate on Him, He will soften us internally, show us what we truly want and direct where should we go. Spiritual development becomes possible only when our intentions become clear before the Lord which can only happen if we allow his wisdom and peace fill every corner of our lives through this kind of alignment with Gods heart.
This is the basis for more spiritual breakthroughs. We become open to what God has to say and aware of what the Holy Spirit is doing when we are in line with Him. In this state of preparedness, we can fight against evil forces knowing that we will win, and also ask God to do justice or show mercy on earth while still in the flesh but having an idea about what He wants for our lives from heaven’s perspective. If you keep doing these things long enough though it may seem like nothing happens at first; eventually though they will bring about change that reaches all parts of our being because through them we grow closer towards God thus enabling us realize new heights spiritually which result in personal triumphs over various challenges encountered throughout life.
3. Engaging the Court of Heaven
Now that our hearts are prepared, we can engage the Court of Heaven for breakthrough. Let’s walk through the steps together:
Approach His Throne: Hey there! We’re going to talk about something super cool today – activating breakthroughs in the Courts of Heaven. This is a spiritual principle that has to do with getting into God’s legal system in order to ask for justice, redemption, or a breakthrough from the ultimate Judge. Our talk will be based on the Bible because it’s the most trustworthy source we have for understanding what’s going on up there and how we can take part in it down here.
We’re looking at Chapter 10 of my book “The Daniel Prayer Playbook: Strategies for Victory through the Heavenly Courts.” This chapter is all about how to activate breakthroughs in the Courts of Heaven and it does this by using the prophet Daniel as an example. It also shows us what needs to happen if we want God to step into our lives miraculously. If you want things set right, freed up, flipped around or totally transformed this is where you learn how to work with them in heaven according to his playbook.
Present Your Case: When you want to get through to God, it's important to have a humble heart. You should bring your situation or need before Him with great respect and sincerity. In this verse, the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:6-7 that we are supposed to “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” This scripture highlights the significance of humbleness and faithfulness towards God’s provision. When you pray for breakthroughs realize His supremacy as the ultimate Judge from whom all breakthroughs come from. One way of being humble in prayer is shown by the prophet Daniel when he prayed in Daniel 9:3 “Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes”. It creates a position underness (to seek favor or deep humility and earnestness our approach to God ) that invites divine intervention.
In this sacred moment of prayer, allow your heart to be fully transparent before God. The psalmist David provides a powerful example in Psalm 139:23-24, where he prays, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." This prayer invites God to examine the depths of our hearts, bringing to light any hidden issues that may hinder our breakthrough. By being open and honest with God, you position yourself to receive His guidance and wisdom, allowing Him to work in the most profound areas of your life. In this transparent exchange, God’s grace flows freely, leading to the transformation and breakthrough you seek, as He responds to the earnest cries of His children.
Repent of Any Sin: In your quest for a breakthrough, it’s important to ask the Holy Spirit to uncover sins, mistakes or undisclosed areas in your life that could be contributing to the problem. By this you allow God work on you. The scripture guarantees us that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This verse highlights how powerful confession and repentance are as well as showing that God’s pardon is both trustworthy and fair. True repentance gives Him permission to wash every inch of you so that nothing prevents you from moving forward. More than just being sorry for what you’ve done wrong this act involves turning away from everything that keeps one apart from God which then opens up His grace flow freely through them. Therefore when someone assumes such humble attitude before heaven it provides an opportunity for divine healing and renewal.
Forgive Others: "f you desire a breakthrough, it is important that you do not hold any grudges against anyone who may have wronged or stood in the way of your success. It’s not a suggestion but rather an order from God that must be followed if we want to receive His blessings. According to Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus says 'For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, neither will your Father forgive yours.' This verse shows us how closely related forgiving others is with getting forgiven by God and being favored by Him too. Once you make up your mind to pardon even those who deeply hurt and offend us unfairly, we position ourselves closer to His heart so that He can intervene in our lives. Forgiving marks obedience as well as trust, thereby letting loose heavenly forces into our situations; energies which are able to turn them around completely for our good.
Ask God to Redeem: When praying, please ask the Lord to recover and reconstruct all things that the adversary may have taken away from you by killing or destroying them. Jesus reminds us in John 10:10 that 'The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' This verse tells us that God wants us to live eternally with joy even when the devil fights against us. Believe in Him for creative miracles as well as supernatural occurrences in your life; know too that not only can He make up for what was lost but He might give more than what was expected which will turn around situations much better than one’s wildest dreams.
Give It to God: Give everything to God. Be sure that you trust in him so that he can make right what is wrong now. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). In other words, stop expecting anything from yourself but remaining open to any of his wisdom even if it means things turning out differently than expected. When you let go completely like this and recognize who’s really in charge here everything seems to fall into place somehow or other.
Declare Promises: Declare Scripture promises and speak out God’s victory over your situation with confidence and faith. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." By boldly proclaiming God’s Word, you align yourself with His truth and power, reinforcing His promises in your life. These declarations are not just words but a powerful weapon in the spiritual battle, affirming that God’s victory is already secured. As you speak out these truths, you invite God’s authority and victory to manifest in your situation, strengthening your faith and positioning you to receive His breakthrough.
Give Thanks: End your prayer by thanking the Lord with a believing heart, full of faith that He is already sending you a miracle. Mark 11:24 tells us this when Jesus says “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Such thanks in advance for what God will do isn’t just some routine act but rather an act which shows how much we trust him because of what he promised. Psalm 100:4 also reminds us to come into his presence with thanksgiving giving glory at the entrance and praise within its gates while giving thanks unto the Lord our God always forevermore. So through expressing gratitude towards him who deserves all praise unto himself alone can we truly affirm his greatness recognize his power submit ourselves under his authority so that these blessings might come true in us according to his word.
It is also important to remember that any breakthrough whether big or small is a reason for thanking our Father in heaven; because he is the one who answers our prayers and we must include Jesus in our gratitude recognizing him as our High Priest who intercedes on our behalf. Hebrews 4:14 says, “Therefore since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” Jesus keeps praying for us so that through his sacrifice and on-going pleading we get grace and success. Therefore when giving thanks honor Father for being trustworthy and Christ for continuously bringing answers unto your prayers.
This guideline gives you the confidence and determination to present what is important to you in prayers until there is divine intervention.. In your participation in this system, keep in mind that God encourages us to be persistent, According to Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:7-8,"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you". Such kind of prayer should be done continuously with faith because it enables one get closer answers from God.
Conclusion: Walk in Your Breakthrough
In conclusion, please remember that involvement with the Courts of Heaven is not a one-off event. Continuous praying, getting ready in your heart and presenting your matter before God will make you experience mighty changes in your life. Partnering court prayers with fasting will accelerate your spiritual turnaround. Take note of the visions and solutions that come by writing them down in a diary.
Thank you for being part of this teaching on how to activate breakthroughs within the Courtrooms of Heaven. I pray that you would live out Gods righteousness and triumph in all aspects of life. Amen!
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
References to Additional Resources:
YouVersion ( YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.
Online Courses
"Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
"Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.
"The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, enabling participants to gain freedom from the enemy and experience healing through accessing the Mercy Court of Heaven.