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The Overcomer’s Guide: Walk in Christ's Authority

The Overcomer’s Guide: Walk in Christ's Authority

Embracing David’s Secret Strategies for Spiritual Warfare

Deliverance Service Replay 9/5/2023

As followers of Jesus Christ, you and I have been given tremendous authority over the demonic realm through Christ's finished work on the cross. However, many believers do not fully understand or walk in the supernatural spiritual authority that is ours as co-heirs with Christ.

By examining the example of King David in the Old Testament, we can gain revelation for how to practically walk in victory against the forces of darkness seeking to undermine our faith. Last week, we explored how David embraced spiritual discernment to recognize and resist the enemy's schemes. This week, let's uncover 7 keys revealed through David's life for wielding the authority that is yours in Christ.

Key #1: Recognize Satan is a Defeated Foe

In order to walk confidently in victory, we must start by renewing our perspective to the truth that Satan is already fully defeated by Christ's finished work. Scripture declares in 1 John 3:8 that Jesus appeared specifically to destroy the works of the devil. No matter how fiercely Satan rages against believers, his final doom is already sealed.

The cross represents Satan's ultimate undoing. Colossians 2:15 proclaims that Jesus disarmed and triumphed over all demonic rulers and authorities at Calvary. The power of sin and death was broken. Just as David stood boldly against Goliath, recognizing the battle belonged to the Lord, so too can we stand unwavering against our defeated foe knowing that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Key #2: Boldly Rebuke the Devil Out Loud

A vital way David exercised spiritual authority was by boldly rebuking the devil and demons when they confronted him. David would give voice to his faith, directly shouting at the forces of darkness to establish the supremacy of God's kingdom.

For example, when facing the giant Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:45-47, David spoke these bold words of faith: "You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands...All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves..."

Like David, we must open our mouths and release our faith into the atmosphere through declaring Christ's victory. We can speak directly to the spiritual forces behind our trials, proclaiming every weapon formed against us shall fail. As we boldly give voice to the supremacy of Christ's authority, demonic strongholds are demolished.

Key #3: Take Up the Sword of the Spirit

Another vital key to David's success against spiritual enemies was his mastery of wielding Scripture as an offensive spiritual weapon. He filled his heart with God's Word to combat demonic lies and imaginations exalting themselves against the Lord.

Psalm 119 reveals how David treasured the Word of God, declaring "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path...I have taken an oath to follow your righteous laws." Like David, we must daily immerse our minds in the light of Scripture until revelation dispels darkness in every area.

When demonic voices whisper lies and distortions, we must immediately take up the Sword of the Spirit and start swinging it through quoting relevant Scripture until those lies are severed. Allow the timeless truths of God's Word to redirect your thoughts, govern your emotions and guide your actions. The enemy cannot stand against the bold declaration of the Truth.

Key #4: Pray in the Spirit

In addition to Scripture, David also cultivated a lifestyle of praying in the Spirit to release supernatural wisdom, discernment and power against his adversaries. He recognized his dependence on the Holy Spirit's empowerment for victory.

As we devote ourselves to consistent prayer in tongues, we are spiritually strengthened to stand unwavering against evil forces. Praying in the Spirit activates revelation enabling us to pray strategically against demonic assignments. There is exponential power released as we commit to regular prayer in tongues as part of our spiritual warfare arsenal.

Key #5: Release Praise and Thanksgiving

King David continually demonstrated the power of praise and thanksgiving in his spiritual warfare strategy. He made a regular practice of exalting the Lord regardless of his circumstances or feelings.

In Psalm 109:30 David proclaimed: "With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the multitude of his saints I will praise him." When we magnify the Lord in praise above our problems, the manifested glory of His presence scatters darkness. Just as Jehoshaphat's army marched into battle singing praise until God fought for them, our praise activates heavenly reinforcement.

Key #6: Stand on God's Faithfulness

A vital component of David's victory was anchoring his heart in the proven faithfulness and miraculous deeds of God on behalf of His people. He would remind himself of the Lord's mighty works of old to renew courage.

No matter how fiercely the battle rages, we must choose to stand unwaveringly upon the Rock of God's unchanging nature. We proclaim by faith that His promises are yes and amen! As we remember the testimonies of His past miracles and deeds on our behalf, our trust is strengthened to withstand every storm.

Key #7: Wait Upon the Lord's Deliverance

Finally, David embraced the disciplines of patiently waiting upon God's perfect timing and strategy for victory, rather than demanding his preferred outcome.

In Psalm 27:14 David proclaimed: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." As we wait expectantly through seasons of contending in prayer for God's intervention, it builds our spiritual strength and steadfastness. His perfect timing will prevail.

Beloved, when we embrace these 7 principles demonstrated through King David's example, we will walk in new dimensions of supernatural confidence and courage against every demonic threat. We must renew our minds to the truth that Jesus has already fully conquered and disarmed the powers of darkness. Now we are called to enforce the victory of Calvary through bold faith, prayer, praise and standing unwaveringly on the authority of God's Word until Christ returns in glory. Continue to wage fierce spiritual warfare under the banner of our conquering King. His triumph shall be made manifest! Hallelujah!


Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:

Lesley's Testimony:

Lesley bravely reached out for help during a live Deliverance Service webinar. She shared openly about her struggles with isolation, addiction and pain from her traumatic past. For nearly 20 years, Lesley has been dependent on methadone after abusing drugs and alcohol earlier in her life. This addiction has contributed to her feeling disconnected from God and loved ones.

Most days Lesley can be found alone in her room, falling asleep whenever she tries to read the Bible or connect spiritually. She contracted HIV as a result of her substance abuse, which added another layer of pain and hardship. Lesley also revealed that her sister, her closest sibling, was murdered when Lesley was only 19. This trauma has deeply scarred her heart.

Pastor Timothy gently guided Lesley through a process to invite Jesus into her pain. He had her call on the authority of Christ's name and divide her soul and spirit. Lesley forgave those responsible for her sister's death, releasing them to the Lord. She asked Jesus to bring confirmation that this area of her heart was healed and restored. Lesley reported feeling sensations in her feet, an indicator of the Lord's presence and work in her body and spirit.

Though complete deliverance often requires persistence, we believe Jesus ministered powerfully to Lesley in those moments. Pastor Timothy encouraged her that layers of healing will come as she continues surrendering her hurts to the Great Physician. The group also prayed corporately for the Lord to heal Lesley from HIV. We stand in faith for her physical and spiritual restoration as she leans into Jesus.

This session reminds us that Jesus can reach anyone, no matter how broken or stuck they feel. As Lesley pursues intimacy with Him, we trust Christ will break every chain and give her new life. Her story inspires hope that He makes all things new.

Zena's Testimony:

Zena reached out sharing she has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and struggles to sleep well at night. She believes spirits of rejection and a "spiritual husband" are oppressing her due to open doors in her past. Zena bravely asked for prayer and ministry during the live deliverance service.

Pastor Timothy first had Zena invoke Jesus' authority to heal her heart from childhood rejection by her brother. Though she did not audibly hear the Lord, Zena reported sensing His presence and feeling Him take the emotional pain away. The pastor encouraged her to trust that Jesus did His healing work, even when we don't see or hear Him.

They proceeded to address Zena's insomnia through prayer and commands for anything not of God to leave. She confessed needing more peace in her home and repenting of blaming her family. Zena forgave herself and others involved. Though she waited quietly for confirmation from Jesus, we can stand in faith that He brought comfort and revelation to her spirit.

This session demonstrates that inner healing and deliverance require humility, honesty and patience as we wait on God's timing. Jesus promised Zena victory, freedom and rest as she persists in seeking Him. By God's grace, she is learning to wield the authority of Christ and partner with the Holy Spirit to defeat the enemy's tactics and lies.

We are hopeful and expectant that Jesus will continue to reveal His love to Zena. As she stays the course, we believe God will redeem her past, restore her mind and give her renewed identity and purpose in Him. Her testimony inspires perseverance as we all learn to walk in our authority as God's children.


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