Public Deliverance in Hong Kong island
Hi Scott,
Thanks again for a great call yesterday. Last night (12 hours after our call) I did a public deliverance with about 80-90 people here on Hong Kong island, and taught specifically on dissociation. I basically taught using your standard steps, incorporating your valuable input (sensory items etc).. it’s not an easy thing to teach in Chinese, as I had an interpreter which slowed things down.
Anyway.. here’s where it gets interesting. God had lined up a practical example.. DIRECTLY at the end of my teaching, a lady two rows from the front starts screaming in despair, so I was able to get a microphone to her (not that I really needed it!) and she said she was 2 years old and her daddy left… Jesus healed that part, then 3 other parts came up.. a man had put his hand up her skirt in the bus, her grandfather left her, and died at another age… Jesus healed them all.
As this was happening, another lady started manifesting parts, and then a few more.. There was a pastor present from another church and his jaw was on the ground watching.. I noticed he’d conveniently shifted next to a women manifesting to watch intently!
Jesus lined up perfect practical examples to show everybody how DID is real, and how Jesus heals it.. We serve an amazing God!
By the end of the night, I saw small pockets of people ministering to others.. using their authority for the first time.. speaking to parts, getting them healed, and casting out demons! This was the best part of the night for me.. to see the body equipped! This is inner healing, in its deepest and simplest form.. it’s not complicated.
Just wanted to let you know.. and big thanks to you brother for all your time… Jesus is Lord!
P.S. My sister in Australia, used your approach for healing Groups of wounded parts, “based on emotion”. She used it with a heavily demonized person we’ve been ministering to for some time. We had a Massive breakthrough with her!
I'm seeking for some one to do deliverance on me here in Hong Kong. Please contact me at