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Persisting Through the Storm: How to Persevere in Prayer Against Spiritual Opposition

Persisting Through the Storm: How to Persevere in Prayer Against Spiritual Opposition

Mentoring on The Courts of Heaven Replay 9/12/2023

Have you ever experienced a season when your most passionate, heartfelt prayers seemed to go unanswered? Perhaps you cried out fervently for healing, breakthrough or deliverance, only to be met with silence, confusion or intensified adversity.

Many believers can identify with the woman in Mark 5 suffering twelve long years with an incurable bleeding disorder before Jesus finally healed her. We resonate with the experience of the blind man in Mark 8 who had to beg Jesus repeatedly to touch him a second time before his eyes were fully opened. We can relate to the disciples straining desperately all night to catch fish in Luke 5 before Jesus intervened and multitudes were suddenly caught.

If you currently find yourself wearied from persistently petitioning heaven amidst seeming delays or opposition, take heart! God specializes in rewarding those who steadfastly persevere in seeking Him. When we refuse to lose heart and relentlessly press through seasons of spiritual resistance, suddenly the breakthrough can burst forth.

Inspiration from Daniel’s Example

Few biblical accounts portray more astonishing perseverance in intercession than Daniel’s dramatic experience recorded in Daniel 10. Daniel had been praying and fasting for 21 long days, crying out desperately for revelation from God concerning an urgent prophetic vision.

Suddenly, an angelic messenger finally appeared saying: “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them” (Daniel 10:12).

Can you imagine Daniel’s astonishment realizing his passionate prayers had been heard instantly, yet the answer had been detained three grueling weeks in the spiritual realm! The messenger explained: “The prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia” (Daniel 10:13).

Here we gain piercing insight into the unseen battle unfolding. A high-ranking demonic entity associated with Persia had withstood the angel attempting to reach Daniel, hence the long delay until heaven’s reinforcements broke through. What astounding encouragement that despite ferocious spiritual resistance, God will send mighty assistance to ensure His responses prevail!

Daniel’s example conveys a vital message for persevering prayer warriors: Do not interpret silence, delays or intensified spiritual assault as indicating distance or disinterest from God. Quite the opposite! Our most strategic seasons of breakthrough are often preceded by a period of intense demonic retaliation and resistance. But as we press through, angels are activated, walls of opposition are torn down, and God’s purpose prevails. Hallelujah!

Spiritual Keys for Breakthrough from Hebrews 10:35-36

The writer of Hebrews perfectly captures this principle, urging: “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36).

When we feel our prayers crashing against invisible barriers, these verses provide priceless counsel. Here are 3 vital keys:

1) Do Not Throw Away Your Confidence in God’s Faithfulness

During long seasons awaiting God’s intervention, the enemy works overtime to undermine our trust in the Lord's steadfast love and power. He wants us to discard faith that our breakthroughs will manifest.

Yet we must choose to anchor our hearts upon the Rock of Christ’s unchanging nature. Though the battle rages fiercely, nothing can thwart God’s flawless timing and purposes. His promises remain yes and amen! As we contend through seasons of persistent prayer without visible fruit, it is strengthening our inner core of kingdom confidence that cannot be shaken.

2) Recognize You are in a War Requiring Perseverance

Next, the writer of Hebrews acknowledges we are in a grueling spiritual war requiring fierce perseverance. Breakthroughs don’t come easily or quickly when opposed by sinister forces. Quitting is not an option for devoted soldiers of the cross! We must make a firm commitment to persist in crying out to God despite any resistance.

Just as soldiers enduring bloody, extended campaigns must fight on despite their exhaustion, so too must we wage long-suffering intercessory warfare even when the battle seems endless. As we refuse to capitulate amidst intense demonic backlash, our spiritual tenacity and authority expands mightily.

3) Keep Your Eyes on the Prize of God's Assured Reward

Hebrews urges persevering prayer warriors to stay focused on the guaranteed prize of God’s promised intervention, blessing and reward for those who withstand the fight. This hope fuels endurance.

When fervent prayers are briefly delayed or opposed, we can choose to fix our gaze upon the exceedingly great reward coming for those who do not lose heart. God has nominated each of us for astounding breakthroughs that require persevering faith to unlock. The prize of our faithful Savior’s intimate commendation awaits: “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Standing Unwavering Upon God's Word

In the face of intense spiritual resistance, a key strategy modeled by Jesus when combating the devil's schemes was standing unwaveringly upon the written Word of God. God's eternal truth remains the mighty weapon that cuts through every deception and dismantles demonic strongholds.

Notice how Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations in the wilderness by quoting Scripture as the Spirit led Him. When confronting demonic spirits and sickness, Christ often audibly declared relevant scriptural passages full of authority such as Isaiah 53 and Psalm 103:2-3 to release freedom.

When assailed by discouraging lies and distortions, we too must take up the Sword of the Spirit to sever those fiery darts. Begin to boldly declare aloud key Scriptural promises that anchor your faith and directly counteract the enemy’s lies. Proclaim truth passages about God’s faithfulness, the permanence of His Word, Christ’s authority in the believer, and the certainty of breakthrough for those who perseveringly sow in tears.

Our spoken declarations of God's Word release angels to do warfare on our behalf. As we tenaciously wield Scripture, demonic strongholds crumble and divine alignment is restored. The enemy cannot withstand the asserted power of eternal Truth. Continue declaring the Word until every lie is decimated and your faith abounds.

Trust the Perfect Timing of the Lord of the Breakthrough

As we persevere through seasons of intense spiritual resistance and assault, a vital posture is cultivating patient trust in the Lord's exquisite timing and strategy for breakthrough. We must embrace God's sovereignty in determining the perfect moment for His dramatic intervention and response.

Consider the example of Lazarus recorded in John 11. Despite knowing His beloved friend was deathly ill, Jesus deliberately delayed two more days before coming to Lazarus' aid, trusting in God's chosen timing. Only through this perceived delay could the greater miracle of resurrection rather than healing occur, resulting in an even greater manifestation of God's glory.

When we are passionately crying out to the Lord yet breakthrough seems indefinitely postponed, we can rest in the Father's tender compassion towards us in that season. Though perplexing to our limited perspective, He knows the precise designated moment when the fulfillment will yield the greatest eternal fruit and most exalt His name.

Our breakthroughs are worth waiting for! As we persevere through the darkness, suddenly His glory will burst forth. His sovereignty is never threatened by spiritual opposition or delay. At the perfect time, His justice will flood forth like a mighty river to vindicate His elect. He is always in complete control.

Strengthened Through United Prayer Agreement

One final vital key for persevering in prayer is tapping into the exponential power released when true biblical unity and agreement is established. Jesus highlighted how critically important it is for believers to join together in prayer alignment by promising in Matthew 18:19:

“I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.”

When an individual believer feels their strength waning in the face of relentless spiritual assault, they can reach out to trusted intercessors to stand in gap through praise, declarations and supplications until the answer descends. There is multiplied authority and angelic assistance released when two or more unify in faith through prayer and fasting to combat spiritual resistance.

As the Body of Christ links together in fervent prayer agreement, chains are shattered and captives set free. The enemy trembles when the ekklesia embraces their kingdom authority. Do not hesitate to enlist prayer reinforcements to stand with you until your victory manifests!

Beloved saint of God, take courage! The Lord remains unwaveringly faithful to you in the midst of every struggle and delay. He has promised you will reap a bountiful harvest if you do not grow weary and lose heart. Persevere in cultivating patient trust in His flawless timing. Commit afresh to unrelentingly pressing forward in passionate prayer and declarations of His Word no matter how fiercely the battle rages.

Your reward of seeing long-awaited prayers gloriously fulfilled is certain. Even now, heaven’s reinforcements are being dispatched. The Lord of Breakthrough is thundering mightily to defend you! The darkest, most resistant night always precedes the bright dawn of hope. Rejoice, for your eternal day of breakthrough is dawning!


Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:

Testimony for Minette Grant

Minette Grant reached out during the teaching, longing to gain greater understanding about entering the courts of Heaven. She has faced troubling spiritual attacks, including objects being physically thrown at her while walking. This aligns with Ephesians 6:12, which warns our struggle is against powers of darkness.

Pastor Timothy guided Minette to focus on Christ's presence within her, asking the Holy Spirit to fill her fully (Ephesians 5:18). He then petitioned for angelic escorts to bring key demons to testify, according to Matthew 18:18's principles. Jesus searched Minette's heart and revealed an open doorway of witchcraft that He wanted to heal.

Following Scriptural principles in 1 John 1:9, they confessed sins connected to this doorway and forgave Minette's attackers. As Hebrews 4:16 exhorts, they approached Christ's throne boldly for mercy and grace. In faith, Minette asked for and received affirmation she was pardoned and the legal verdict was in her favor. Glory to God for revealing the roots, healing wounds, and delivering Minette from demonic oppression through perseverant intercession!

Testimony for Bomkazi Magadlela

Bomkazi, a PhD student, volunteered with a pressing need for divine favor to complete her studies. Despite diligent efforts, her supervisors had not provided the necessary feedback for her to graduate on time (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Pastor Timothy guided her to present this injustice before the Righteous Judge, Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 4:8). Bomkazi experienced spiritual blockage hearing God's voice about root issues. They persevered in intercession, asking the Holy Spirit to intervene and open her spiritual ears, just as He did for Daniel (Daniel 10:12).

Jesus lovingly revealed an open doorway Bomkazi needed to repent of and receive healing from, aligning with James 5:16. Bomkazi forgave those who had hurt her. They thanked Jesus for His mercy and asked for breakthrough favor (Hebrews 4:16). Though she did not hear words, Bomkazi received a tangible inner peace from Christ. As Philippians 4:7 promises, this surpasses understanding. What victory that Jesus faithfully met and strengthened her through persisting prayer!


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