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Open Doorways through the Occult

In todays message Pastor Timothy shares about how we have opened doorways for the enemy. Could you have opened a doorway for the enemy to sneak in? Join Pastor Timothy to find out how we unknowingly and knowing open doorways and how this affects our life.

Leviticus 20:6-7 (NLT)

6 I will also turn against those who commit spiritual prostitution by putting their trust in mediums or in those who consult the spirits of the dead. I will cut them off from the community. 7 So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the Lord your God. 8 Keep all my decrees by putting them into practice, for I am the Lord who makes you holy.

Get these open doorways closed and healed in Jesus name by bring them before the Father in Jesus name through Inner Healing and Self Deliverance. Inner healing is the application of the grace and peace of Jesus Christ to the pain and confusion of the damaged emotional life.

Curse removal is often thought of as a beneficial service offered by many traditional psychics and medium practitioners whose intention is to help their clients become released from the negative influences placed on them by another person.

Unfortunately psychics and mediums (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) often bring more problems and make it worse by allowing other demonic spirits to attack you. They have more patients they we do. They tend to disguise the issue as a serenity for a small season and may come back stronger. Only the name of Jesus can break off curses. No other name has been given under heaven with this authority (Mark 3:15).

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

Curses are sent out in two ways: (1) implicit or unintentional curses, and (2) explicit or intentional ones that are invoked specifically to bring evil upon a person, group of persons, or a business, church or ministry. Once curses have been uttered or created by any means, they go on and on. They do not change until spiritual intervention takes place. Explicit curses can sometimes be easier to spot, because they originate from an intentional act.

Satan looks for a cause. He will pin the curse on some current event in the person’s life, if he can find one. But more often he will find a cause in a previous generation (Exodus 20:5), and he’ll use that to bring the curse to life, particularly if he can link the long-ago cause to a present-day action.

WHAT IS A CURSE? A curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. A curse is as simple as a small prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come on someone. You may notice your family falling apart, low self worth, loss of job, great harm to you or your loved ones. This is all part of a curse someone may have put on just you or over your whole family. Yes, there are generational curses (Exodus 34:7) and we can break those as well.

Are you dealing with Demonic Attacks? We know how to get rid of demons in Jesus name! Looking for a exorcist or exorcism?

Get biblical help! If you have been dealing with demonic oppression and are looking for freedom in Christ Jesus there is help and hope for you. Your suffering can end and stop as you put all of your trust and faith in the name Jesus Christ to heal and restore you (Proverbs 3:5-6)!

Stop the enemy in his tracks through Inner Healing and Deliverance (Luke 4:18) over your life. Break off the strongholds over your finances, get healed physically, emotionally and mentally. Release your faith today and watch the Lord come through for you.

What is Inner Healing? Inner healing is part of Christ's redemptive work on Calvary (Ephesians 1:7) and it has been given to us (Romans 3:22) freely. Through prayer and knowledge of the Word of God our savior Jesus mediates (1 Timothy 2:5) and intercedes on our behalf to the Heavenly Father (Romans 3:24) to heal the deepest wounds to our souls. Soul wounds are caused by trauma or abuse that is too much for us to handle and cope with. The trauma can be from any age and is usually associated with accidents, physical, verbal and/or sexual abuse, physical pain or any emotional pain that we can’t handle or cope with at that moment. The way we deal with this trauma is to disassociate. We disassociate by not remembering our past hurts, past hurts caused at any age by friends, family and strangers.

There are many names that the psychiatric community has for these wounds:



DID (Dissociation Identity Disorder)

Alternate Personalities

MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Psalm 12:5-6 (TLB)

The Lord replies, “I will arise and defend the oppressed, the poor, the needy. I will rescue them as they have longed for me to do.” The Lord’s promise is sure. He speaks no careless word; all he says is purest truth, like silver seven times refined.

Inner healing gets to the deepest root of the pain from the trauma and gets it healed permanently!


All curses, spells, voodoo, hexes, jinxes and evil eye accomplish the same thing. All these may be done in a similar the way by the person casting a spell or one of the other methods mentioned, they almost always do the same thing invoke a demon to torment.


A demons ability to enter is based on sin: Generational sin, Volitional (voluntary) sin, or sin Perpetrated Against Us. Demons sent through magic come with a mission to torment what the person requested it to do (i.e the curse maybe to break up a marriage).


People feel tormented when a demon is attacking an emotional or physical wound, a wound that was so severe that we disassociated. The dissociative (wounded) part is still at the level of emotion as when the trauma happened. The demon is tormenting that wounded part and intensifying the pain.


God has established the rules that Satan must play by. Satan does not have free reign to do 100% as he wants. Demons may have a ”Legal Right” to stay (according to the rules that God has set up).


A demonic “legal right” is the ability to enter or stay (according to Gods rules). It’s always associated with sin that’s enumerated in God’s Word. A "legal right" is sin (past hurts or trauma) that hasn't been healed by Jesus.


A demon’s legal right can be the sin that allowed it to enter. It can be the overwhelming emotion from the sinful abuse. It can be a sinful action that resulted from the original abuse. It can be a lie believed by a wounded part of us, and it can be in the will of the core person for the demon to stay (some people actually like their demons). A demon can even have multiple legal rights. (In my exorcism training course, I teach exactly how to find out what the legal rights are and how to remove them.)


The trauma or abuse can be an entry point for demons. When someone says they are tormented by anxiety, fear, guilt, anger, or any other emotion, there is a strong possibility that they have deep soul wounds that are being tormented by demons. The demons won’t leave until the wounds are completely healed.


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