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Healing Bitter Roots with Dr. Leeland Jones

Bitterness can subtly undermine our emotional and spiritual well-being, acting as a silent drain that erodes our inner peace. Throughout our lives, we inevitably encounter individuals and situations that cause us pain, leaving behind wounds that, if unaddressed, can fester into deep-seated bitterness. Dr. Leeland Jones, a distinguished counselor with expertise in Christian inner healing, has crafted an effective methodology to guide us toward overcoming bitterness. This comprehensive guide outlines Dr. Jones's step-by-step approach, as presented during his live event, empowering you to embark on your personal healing journey.

Step 1: Identify and Acknowledge Your Bitterness

The initial phase of healing involves recognizing the existence of bitterness within yourself. Bitterness often originates from profound hurts and can surface as anger, resentment, or even apathy. It is crucial to engage in introspection, posing questions such as, "Am I clinging to any grudges or past hurts that I haven't let go of?" Documenting your reflections can provide valuable insights. Dr. Jones underscores the necessity of fully understanding the contents of your heart, as genuine healing cannot commence without this awareness.

A practical exercise involves finding a quiet space, closing your eyes, and inviting God to reveal any areas in your life where bitterness may reside. Listen attentively and record your thoughts. Acknowledging your bitterness is both brave and essential for initiating the healing process.

Step 2: Surrender to God's Healing Process

After identifying the bitterness within, the next step is to surrender it to God. Healing begins when you open yourself to God's transformative influence. Dr. Jones advocates for prayer as the primary means of inviting God's presence into your pain. He suggests prayers such as, "Lord, I surrender my bitterness to You. Heal my heart and transform my pain into something that honors You."

By surrendering, you relinquish control and place your trust in God's ability to heal. This step may evoke feelings of vulnerability, but it is crucial for allowing God to work effectively within your heart.

Step 3: Engage in Journaling and Repentance

Dr. Jones emphasizes the significance of journaling in uncovering hidden bitterness. Writing down your thoughts helps process and organize your emotions, making it easier to identify recurring patterns. Take time to document instances where you felt hurt or betrayed, writing candidly without self-censorship—this exercise is solely for your personal reflection.

Once you've pinpointed these situations, take a moment to repent for any bitterness you've permitted to grow. Repentance involves earnestly acknowledging your negative feelings and seeking forgiveness. For example, you might write, "Lord, I repent for harboring bitterness towards [name] regarding [specific situation]. I choose to forgive them and release my judgment."

Step 4: Explore the Roots and Patterns of Bitterness

Understanding the underlying causes and recurring patterns of bitterness is essential for lasting healing. Dr. Jones introduces the concept of "Bitterroot Judgments," which are negative judgments formed as a result of being hurt. These judgments can influence how we interact with others and how others perceive us, often becoming entrenched and repeating across different areas of our lives.

Reflect on questions like, "What judgments have I made as a result of my hurt?" For instance, if a parent caused you pain, you might develop a judgment against authority figures, impacting your relationships with employers or mentors. Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward dismantling them.

Step 5: Utilize Scripture for Healing

Scripture plays a pivotal role in the process of inner healing. Dr. Jones references Hebrews 12:15, which cautions against allowing any "root of bitterness" to take hold and cause division. He also cites Matthew 7, where Jesus advises removing the plank from our own eye before addressing the speck in someone else's.

Dedicate time to meditate on these scriptures, allowing God's Word to penetrate your heart and replace the falsehoods of bitterness with divine truth. Writing down these verses and reciting them aloud can be particularly effective in reinforcing your healing.

Step 6: Participate in Inner Healing Prayer

Inner healing prayer involves inviting Jesus into your painful memories. Dr. Jones encourages visualizing Jesus standing beside you during moments of hurt, offering comfort and compassion. Close your eyes and imagine His presence as you revisit these memories, feeling His desire to see you healed. This practice may require time and repeated prayer sessions but serves as a powerful method to release lingering pain.

Step 7: Break Generational Patterns

Bitterness can sometimes be inherited through generations. Dr. Jones discusses the importance of breaking "generational curses" that may unconsciously influence us. If your ancestors struggled with bitterness, these patterns might have been passed down to you.

Pray specifically to break these generational ties. For example, you might say, "In the name of Jesus, I break any generational curse of bitterness that has been passed down to me. I choose freedom and seek God's healing over my family line." This prayer helps to disrupt the cycle, ensuring that bitterness does not take root in future generations.

Step 8: Seek Accountability and Intercessory Prayer

Healing is not a solitary endeavor. Seek out a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor to accompany you on this journey. Dr. Jones highlights the importance of accountability and intercessory prayer, as having someone else pray for you or with you can provide encouragement and strength, especially during challenging times.

Consider joining a small group or an online prayer community. Sharing your struggles and triumphs with others can be incredibly empowering and help you remain committed to your healing path.

Step 9: Fill the Void with Positive Practices

Once you have released your bitterness, it is vital to occupy the resulting void with positive spiritual practices. Dr. Jones recommends daily worship, scripture reading, and cultivating gratitude. Bitterness creates an emptiness that must be filled with God's truth and love.

Another effective practice suggested by Dr. Jones is praying in tongues. He explains that this can help fortify your spirit and maintain your connection with God, thereby supporting the progress you have made in your healing journey.

Step 10: Persevere and Maintain Trust in God

Healing is often a gradual process that requires perseverance. Dr. Jones reassures that God is faithful and will complete the work He has initiated within you. Continue to trust in His timing and methods. Whenever old feelings of bitterness resurface, remind yourself of the steps you've taken and the healing God has already facilitated.

Revisiting these steps consistently will diminish the power of bitterness over time. Trust in God's sufficient grace, knowing that He is steadfastly walking this journey alongside you.

A vital key to inner healing is coming to Jesus directly with our broken areas, asking Him to heal and restore us. Through our free training, "Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing," we learn to engage with Jesus in a process that brings deep emotional restoration. This involves separating soul from spirit, forgiving those who have wounded us, inviting Jesus into our pain, and receiving His healing by faith. As we follow these steps, we open ourselves to the transformative work of Christ, allowing Him to heal the wounds of the past and set us free.

Walking through this process of inner healing requires practical steps that lead us to wholeness in Christ. By identifying areas of pain, renouncing bitterness, and breaking unhealthy ties to the past, we allow Jesus to speak truth and comfort directly to our hearts. As we fill our minds with Scripture and embrace our identity in Christ, the wounds of the past lose their power. Through this journey, we experience the deep emotional and spiritual healing our Father longs to bring, enabling us to live in the fullness of His love and purpose for our lives.


Overcoming bitterness is a journey that demands time, dedication, and a willingness to surrender to God's guidance. By identifying your bitterness, surrendering it to God, engaging in journaling, applying scripture, and participating in inner healing prayer, you can begin to liberate yourself from the chains of bitterness. Remember, healing is a continuous process, and each step you take brings you closer to true freedom.

I encourage you to take the first step today. Find a quiet place, invite God into your heart, and commence your journey toward healing. Should you have any questions or wish to share your story, please feel free to leave a comment below. Your experience could inspire and support someone else who is struggling, and together, we can find healing in Christ.


Pastor Sarah Tomlinson

Healing The Brokenhearted


References to Additional Resources:


  1. YouVersion ( YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.

Online Courses

  1. "Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

  2. "Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.

  3. "The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as


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