Embracing Inner Healing through the Fruits of the Spirit: A Journey with Dr. Jones
Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ! I am Pastor Sarah Tomlinson. I’m grateful that you have come to our blog. The reason why I love doing these posts is because it helps us take our ninety minute live Christian Inner Healing service and condense it down into 15-20 minutes. There is some extra content here, some things we didn’t cover in the live sessions; and likewise, there are some things from the live sessions that aren’t here. But get ready for some good news! My desire is to encourage you to put your faith in Jesus and believe with us for breakthroughs! And my prayer today is that through this Bible teaching your life would be drastically impacted and bring you closer to God!
During our Wednesday night service, we were privileged to have Dr. Leeland Jones speak. He is a retired psychiatrist and physician who has spent his career sharing deep understandings of Christian inner healing with followers of Jesus. Dr. Jones teaches that emotional, mental, and spiritual wounds can be patched up by utilizing the fruits of the Spirit; what sets him apart is how closely this aligns with our ministry’s vision for transformation.
Blog for our Wednesday Night Service on Christian Inner Healing July 24, 2024. The topic we are teaching on is Healing Fruit; Spiritual Power for Mental Health.
The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit
The Doctor kicked off his talk by underscoring the importance of the fruits of the Holy Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. He explained that these are not only virtues but also powerful instruments for healing and restoring people. When we show such fruits in our lives, it means that we are becoming more like Jesus Christ, thus enabling His healing power to work through us.
He went on further to say that every fruit has the potential to transform different areas of our emotional and spiritual well-being. For example, self-hate and condemnation can be fought by love, while joy gives strength and energy. Peace brings calmness during turbulent times, while patience teaches us how to wait upon God’s perfect timing and trust Him when all seems lost. Also, kindness together with gentleness creates an environment where one can deal with painful memories from their past in safety so that they may find healing there too. Moreover, self-control is important because it helps conquer bad habits, leading towards a better life controlled by the Spirit. These things can bring deep inner restoration, therefore allowing ourselves to be used mightily by God’s love and grace, even towards others who need it most around us!
Addressing Root Issues
One thing about Dr. Jones’s teaching is that it focuses on dealing with the cause rather than just treating the symptom. Our emotional and spiritual battles are derived from somewhere deep within us; they usually go back to our childhood or even things that happened before we were born, according to him. He explained how he revisits these foundational points by means of inner healing methods, where he requests Jesus to shine His light in areas filled with past hurt caused by traumatic events. When people identify and deal with these long-standing matters, then they can heal well since such practice enables them to break away from those habits which have been blocking their spiritual growth.
The physician gave an example illustrating this process when he asked participants to take part in some inner healing exercises to show that going back over old wounds can bring about great breakthroughs. What needs attention is not only anxiety attacks but also other symptoms like depression fits or anger outbursts, which are just surface signs according to him. People should dig deeper into what causes such problems, thus leading them into more profound healing experiences. This way not only relieves current troubles but also brings about stronger foundations for resilience in spirituality, where one can live fully free from any chains while enjoying peace given by Christ alone.
The Role of Forgiveness
In the process of curing ourselves, forgiveness is very important. For instance, Dr. Jones, who spoke during the event, shared a powerful exercise on forgiveness where he said that sometimes we have to forgive others, ourselves, and even God for what we perceive as wrongs against us. What happens when this exercise is not done, according to him, is that it blocks us spiritually and emotionally so that we cannot relate with God or even have peace from Him. In other words, all these things prevent divine healing from taking place in our lives because they create barriers that do not allow His grace to flow freely into us through conscious decisions of pardoning others’ sins committed towards us, but also about freeing ourselves from those things that hold us back, thus enabling God’s renewing work to powerfully happen within us anew again forevermore.
He also noted that unforgiveness can lead to spiritual blockages and emotional injuries which affect our relationship with God as well as peace within ourselves. Therefore, by forgiving, we unblock them, thereby allowing restoration since this act releases divine curative grace and deepens spiritual well-being beyond recognition, leaving one completely different inside out, transformed spiritually, and reconnected wholly restored beings made new through Christ Jesus our Lord!
Healing through the Fruits: Love and Joy
Dr. Jones began his talk about the fruits of the Spirit by discussing love and joy. He shared that self-hate may be conquered with this two-pronged approach: nurturing ourselves with self-love and accepting God’s love which knows no bounds thus fighting against condemnation. Many people struggle with feeling unworthy or rejecting themselves; often due to past events that have been taken on board as truth. One can experience deep healing when one realizes that there is nothing we could ever do to make God stop loving us because his love is unfailing and infinite so it changes how we look at ourselves forever. Such self-appreciation buoyed by divine affection destroys any walls built through blaming oneself while also promoting a positive reflection of oneself in the mind.
Joy is a gift from God that gives strength and energy to fight off depression and despair, said Dr. Jones. It is different from happiness which comes and goes depending on what happens externally because the joy of the Lord is abiding and deep-rooted; it carries us through the tough times in life. When we ground ourselves in this joy we are connecting with an everlasting wellspring of spiritual life that quickens our hearts and minds. Such a renewed sense not only delivers us out of hopelessness but fills our days with fresh purpose and drive enabling us to meet troubles head-on with optimism. According to Dr. Jones, by loving others more deeply we become like God Himself who loves all people unconditionally while manifesting His grace towards them.
The Peace of God
Another crucial fruit that Dr. Jones talked about was peace, or “shalom.” Real peace, according to him, is God-given and beyond any human comprehension (Philippians 4:7). It’s much deeper than just cessation of war — it’s an inner feeling of contentment with oneself even in the midst of chaos. Shalom fixes all the brokenness within ourselves; it heals all our fragmented parts and gives us rest deep down in our souls. This peace protects our emotions and thoughts, giving us a strong base to hold onto when everything around us falls apart.
According to Dr. Jones, it is essential that people should look for the peace of God actively and in every area of their life. He underlined the significance of having daily routines like prayers, meditation on the word of God, and quietness to foster this peace. People can change internally by shifting their focus from fearfulness and worry to tranquility and certainty when they make themselves aware of where their minds are fixed regarding Him and what He has promised us. Dr. Jones also mentioned that peace is an energetic power that can alter all our relationships; peace influences decision-making processes as well as our general attitude towards life itself. When we embrace shalom, even during tough times, we remain unshakable because we know that His peace will never leave us regardless of the situation.
Patience and Long-Suffering
Patience is a must-have in trying times that help us to grow deep in faith. According to Dr. Jones, spiritual development happens slowly over an extended period while struggling and persevering. Such difficult moments should not only be seen as challenges to overcome but also chances of shaping our attitude and increasing our trust in God. While being patient, we acquire the virtue of waiting upon the Lord with belief in His perfect timing, which might not coincide with ours. This waiting process, coupled with enduring, builds strength and strong determination, besides creating stronger faith through watching how faithful God has been over time in meeting our needs.
Embracing patience enables us to work with God’s timing and purposes as well as trust more in what He has planned for our lives. Dr. Jones pointed out that being impatient often leads to annoyance and nervousness, which takes away the peace and clarity that come from surrendering ourselves completely to His will. If we become patient, it means we have allowed ourselves to learn from Him and let Him work on us so that we can grow. In this divine schedule, following a period of time ensures that we are ready for the gifts and duties He is preparing us for now or in the future. With each practice of being patient, there comes an unshakable character which helps one to confidently steer through unpredictable situations, knowing that everything is under God’s control and His intentions towards us are always positive, even when they might seem otherwise at first glance.
Kindness and Gentleness
In the area of self-repair, what counts the most is being nice and easy towards oneself or others; in other words gentility. Such gentle behavior is said to be crucial for creating a healing-friendly environment. What Dr.Jones implied by this statement is when dealing with memories of hurt or any type of trauma, being tough and critical towards ourselves can intensify our injuries thus slowing down the recovery process. Instead, it gives us a chance to look back into our history with kinder hearts that know why things happened as they did even if we don’t understand them fully at first sight. So taking pity on ourselves like this helps smoothen out those emotional wounds which otherwise would take longer time before we can work through them to find rest.
We create a safe place for healing and restoration when we approach our wounds with gentleness. According to Dr. Jones, mildness opens up vulnerability that leads to deeper healing. Gentle treatment of ourselves or others creates trust where hidden hurts can come out and find help. This kind environment helps us face and work through our traumas better so that we experience real recovery and change. Fear and shame are overcome by being kind thus transforming the path towards becoming whole again in health.
Self-Control and Overcoming Addictions
For one to overcome addictive behaviors and impulses, they must exercise self-control. According to Dr. Jones, most addictions result from efforts to relieve emotional suffering through self-medication; people use substances or activities as a way of numbing their feelings such as sadness, fear or inadequacy. Unfortunately this does not work since it only gives temporary relief leading into destructive cycles that seem impossible to stop. But when we develop our ability for self-restraint, we become strong enough not only against these desires but also towards healthier options which are more intentional and less harmful in the long run. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is self control; therefore it enables us manage our urges better and look for God’s intervention into what causes them rather than engaging in detrimental actions.
To overcome these bad habits and satisfy our wants differently, we should grow in self-discipline with the help of the Holy Spirit. In her talk, Dr. Jones said that self-control does not mean trying hard but asking God for guidance and power against temptation. Therefore, this divine enablement gives us bravery enough to face what is wrong with us without lying about it so that we can be healed truly by Him who is truth while finding satisfaction in His presence and word too. When our willpower becomes stronger through practicing restraint over ourselves more often each day; we also replace destructive behaviors caused by addictions which only destroy physical health anyway with constructive ones born out of them such as taking care better for ourselves spiritually or mentally even emotionally sometimes too.. This change brings about a healthier and happier life based on spiritual training combined with emotional well-being
Integrating the Fruits in Daily Life
In order to integrate the fruits of Spirit into daily life, Dr. Jones recommended praying regularly, meditating on scripture and being deliberate about practice. He gave them some activities that could help internalize these virtues and apply them throughout their healing processes. For example, keeping a journal was one among many ways he suggested for reflecting upon daily events, recognizing areas which need growth and tracking improvements made in living out different aspects of the fruit. Visualizations were also good because they enable individuals to imagine situations where kindness or patience may be exercised; thus strengthening such behaviors mentally. The importance of consistency cannot be overemphasized here hence according to him it is imperative that people set aside specific moments every day for prayers as well as reading the bible so as to allow themselves immerse in God’s word thereby drawing inspiration out of it. These practices serve to implant deep within oneself transformative powers fueled by the Holy Spirit thereby leading into continuous spiritual and emotional curing said doctor jones
The Importance of Community and Support
Inner healing doesn't happen alone. The significance of community in the process of recovery was emphasized by Dr. Jones, who said that people heal better in an atmosphere of care than anywhere else. He invited them to take part in group therapy sessions during which they would be able to share their stories with others facing similar challenges and learn from each other’s experiences thereby fostering a feeling of belonging and mutual support . Furthermore, he recommended finding mentors one could trust for counseling and guidance on one's journey towards wholeness. It is also important to foster honest relationships within the body of Christ as such connections provide safe spaces for vulnerability, prayerfulness and spiritual growths too where necessary . In conclusion; Dr jones pointed out that faith communities have strong love which can be used as powerful tool for accelerating individual healing processes since they offer comfort enlightenment reinforcement while travelling along paths leading to complete wellness.
The inner healing journey is a deep and continuous process of growth and change. The fruits of the Spirit as taught by Dr. Jones provide a good basis for this healing process, stressing love, happiness, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness gentleness self control among other things. By integrating these virtues into our daily routine through prayer meditation exercises; we open ourselves up to divine intervention for our betterment . This enables us to deal with past hurts that need addressing so that they may not continue negatively affecting us in future while at the same time freeing us from bad habits which prevent closer relationships with God and people around us. These truths revive personal vision and energy levels along with bringing back hope where it was lacking before.
When we seek God’s presence and do what He says, we let Him love us completely and fill us with joy, peace and healing. Along the way there will be times when things get painful and tough, so you’ll need lots of courage, faith and hope. Don’t worry though because I guarantee that the Lord guides every single step we take towards our better selves; all we have to do is believe in him. This process changes people into being more like Jesus inside which means they also become tougher outside too but in a good way – stronger for sticking up for themselves or others who can’t do it themselves. Even if everything falls apart around us or within ourselves there’s still one thing left standing: trust God wholeheartedly! He has promised never to leave nor forsake any of us no matter what happens next so just keep walking closer towards Him each day until one morning everything suddenly makes sense again!
That’s why we have created this Free Online Course On Spiritual Warfare & Self Inner Healing. Our program is designed in such a way that it will help you discover your true identity by connecting deeply with Jesus Christ as both Savior and loving Father, hence empowering individuals towards overcoming emotional wounds caused by battles fought in the spirit realm. With video lessons presented through webinars which are interactive plus additional materials for support, participants get equipped not only to break down strongholds erected by satanic forces during our lives but also to achieve deeper inner restoration so that they can enjoy their relationship with God more fully. Such transformational journeying calls for joint efforts among pastors who bring together their wealth of knowledge, thus enabling different people to reach out unto genuine wholeness based on the teachings of Jesus.
Pastor Sarah Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
A Night of Transformation: Volunteer Testimonies from Our Inner Healing Service
During the Wednesday Night Service, Chandler and Jaclyn shared their stories of bravery which led to two amazing transformations. They were guided by Dr. Jones who helped them open up about what they’ve been through and start on an inner healing process that showed us the power communities and spiritualities can have over people in need.
Chandler: Coming Face-to-Face with Childhood Scars
The brave young man named Chandler spoke first; admitting to feelings of low self-esteem caused by being rejected as a child. With this information in hand our leader took him back down memory lane so he could face these foundational injuries head-on, but not alone – Jesus was invited along for emotional support. It turns out that all those years were seen from God’s perspective rather than under the lens of someone who shut him out long ago which is why such exercises are necessary when dealing with deep-rooted issues like these ones where after confronting them face to face one realizes how much they affect their present life negatively hence should be replaced by self-love based on divine value instead.
Jaclyn’s Tale: Self-Love and Forgiveness
Jaclyn’s testimony was as powerful as she spoke of her struggle with self-hatred and emotional anguish related to her adoption. Dr. Jones helped Jaclyn delve into the deep feelings of rejection and abandonment she had carried with her all these years. Through exercises in guided forgiveness, Jaclyn was able to let go of the bitterness she felt towards herself and her birth parents. This act represented a significant step forward because it brought about peace within herself which had long eluded her.
Jesus made Himself known during this time of restoration for Jaclyn in an amazing way. When she closed her eyes and went back over those painful memories, there came upon her an overpowering feeling that somebody else was also present there beside them—Jesus Himself! She did not see Him with her physical eyes but rather heard His quiet voice speaking words full of love and encouragement directly into the depth of her being. He assured Jaclyn about how valuable she is before God Almighty while reminding her again that He loves everything about who she is right now even though nobody else may seem to care much at all; this encounter brought immediate comfort so that now for once in life every part of herself could be seen through His eyes—as someone dearly beloved by Heaven itself deserving nothing except love from others around too. This encounter not only facilitated emotional healing but also deepened faith within hearts forevermore, thus giving strength needed during the further path towards wholeness.
The Power of Community and Support
Chandler’s and Jaclyn’s stories both showed how important community & support are during healing processes; when individuals share their weaknesses, others can pray together collectively – thus creating safe spaces where people can face past issues while beginning on journeys towards recovery. This indicates that besides giving psychological backing also, communal relationships affirm those spiritual truths emphasized by Dr Jones throughout his sessions; such transformations made other attendees start contemplating about their personal growths through being supported communally.
Dr. Jones Guidance: The Way to Recover
Chandler and Jaclyn were led into recovery by Dr. Jones’s skill set and empathy. He rooted their journey in the fruits of the Holy Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control — which became their strong ground. They lived out these virtues every day and thus experienced deep emotional as well as spiritual healing. According to attendees’ lives that were changed forever by his teachings; practical exercises taught people valuable tools for connecting with God more deeply than ever before and finding new meaning in life.
Night Of Hope And Renewal
The stories shared by Chandler & Jackyln are testaments to how transformative an inner transformation can be. It is not only about having courage when facing one’s past but also embracing Gods love and forgiveness that brings about profound change within ourselves so let us never forget this truth As we walk on our healing path may their words continue to inspire us towards wholeness while at the same time providing hope for complete restoration among each other therefore it is my prayer that all members find strength from within themselves through our common bond help them understand what was taught by Dr.jones.
References to Additional Resources:
YouVersion (youversion.com): YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.
Online Courses
"Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
"Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.
"The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, enabling participants to gain freedom from the enemy and experience healing through accessing the Mercy Court of Heaven.