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Dealing with Setbacks and Discouragement in SRA Recovery

The Reality of Setbacks in SRA Recovery

Greetings! Welcome to my blog post about getting through setbacks and discouragement in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) healing journey. The way towards recovery from SRA can be one filled with deep emotional, spiritual and psychological struggles. I know that it may seem hard when you have set backs but those are part of the process too. In this article we are going to talk about different ways on how to face these difficulties, draw strength from biblical encouragement and meditate over stories in the bible where Christ’s followers were able to overcome their disappointments by remaining steadfast in faithfulness until they saw victory.

While tackling such subjects, we will also discover strategies for dealing with obstacles that often come up during SRA recovery. What if our foundation becomes grounded on God’s promises and scriptural examples of persistence? Then every stumbling block would become a stepping stone leading us into more profound healing and restoration as individuals who have gone through satanic ritual abuse experiences.

1. Acknowledging the Reality of Setbacks

Setbacks are normal when returning to health. They do not imply failure or permanent inability to recover; rather, they often facilitate greater healing by evoking unresolved aspects. “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4). Such tests and fall-backs promote growth which brings about more profound healing as well as spiritual development in us.

Recognize the process: There is no straight line when it comes to getting better. You will have good days and bad days, steps forward and steps back. Knowing this can help you stay strong through the hard times. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Understanding that healing comes in seasons can help you remain steadfast and patient through the ups and downs of your journey.

Avoid Self-Blame: There is a tendency for people to blame themselves or lose hope when they face a setback. Always remember that you are not at fault for any failure; instead, treat them as chances to experience more deeply the grace of God and His power to heal. As Romans 8:28 reminds us, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even in setbacks, God is working for your good, allowing you to experience His grace and healing more profoundly.

Stay Connected: Do not break off contact with those who can give you support. Whether it be a therapist, group therapy members, or someone whom you consider your spiritual guide – stay connected. The worst thing one can do is isolate themselves because it will only make matters worse by adding discouragement into the mix. As Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Staying connected with others provides the support and encouragement needed to navigate challenges and maintain strength on your journey.

Prayer and Reflection: When setbacks happen, take some moments out of your life to pray about them and reflect on why they might have occurred. Ask Him where He thinks you could use more healing from Himself, and then trust in Jesus’ leading through this process too. As Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." By bringing your setbacks to God in prayer, you can find peace and guidance as you trust in His healing power.

2. Biblical Encouragement for Times of Discouragement

The Bible is packed with stories about people who went through hard times. Abraham, Moses, and David, among others, had to confront what seemed like insurmountable odds, but did not lose their faith in God. In those stories, we learn that faith can make you walk into the unknown as Abraham did or trust that God will set you free—like Moses. It also teaches us how to face giants such as Goliath, knowing that they are no match for our God’s power—like David. With determination founded on belief, these characters show us that anything can be achieved, provided one keeps believing until they see it come true. All through history, this has been proven right time and again. Let’s explore a few key examples:

David’s Journey: David, called a man after God’s own heart, encountered many moments of deep discouragement and despair. One example can be found in 1 Samuel 30, when David and his men returned to the city of Ziklag only to find it destroyed by fire and their families taken captive. The loss was tremendous; so much so that David’s men even talked about stoning him. In this time of crisis he could’ve given into fear or hopelessness easily, but instead of wallowing in it he chose to “strengthen himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). He turned towards God and looked for divine instruction against impossible odds.

He got what he needed by leaning hard into God. He asked the Lord if he should go after them and got a promise from God saying they would overtake and succeed against their enemies. Trusting in this led to everything being recovered. This narrative serves as an important reminder that we should also seek our strength from God during times when we are very troubled or unsure about what is going on around us. When faced with situations that seem out of our hands, it is through having faith and seeking after His wisdom that gives us the boldness necessary to move forward again; taking back what was stolen from us.

We can always count on Him no matter how bad things look like right now because even if there were more dire circumstances than these –– there ain’t none!

Elijah’s Despair: In 1 Kings 19, a prophet named Elijah became discouraged and depressed immediately following an amazing victory over Baal’s prophets. He went into hiding because he was afraid for his life and tired of fighting. In the desert, he sank into despair. He even told God to let him die because he felt like such a failure. But God didn’t leave Elijah alone at his lowest point — instead, God met him there.

Yet even though I think sometimes we forget about these parts in stories like these…you know what happened? What did not happen? When everything seemed most impossible – when there seemed no hope left whatsoever – when all seemed lost forevermore—in this absolute moment without doubt or question (and perhaps also with some exclamation points!!!), THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGES FOR GOOD (or at least until another story comes along)! ELIJAH’S BIGGEST WEAKNESS WAS HIS GREATEST STRENGTH!

The Lord reached out to Elijah when he was most vulnerable, giving him rest, food and renewed purpose. It’s so humbling that God looked after Elijah in this way during his darkest hour; it shows just how much He cares about us even when we’re at our weakest.

After Elijah had gone to sleep, an angel of God came and gave him food and water, which made him strong enough to travel for forty days. More than that, though: out of infinite kindness, God Almighty also told Elijah that he wasn’t alone in his struggle. He mentioned that there were still people who worshiped Him sincerely; they weren’t all dead yet! And as long as the sun keeps rising every morning, there will be someone willing to listen – even if only one person remains faithful… For this reason, therefore, when we think about those moments wherein we are at our lowest point or most discouraged, it becomes clear how much God does not give up on us but rather provides what is necessary so that we may regain strength once again, along with realizing why we are alive. This meeting changed everything for this man, causing his spirit to become enlivened within him, thereby making sure he would never stop until he accomplished all things appointed by heaven that he should do.

Paul’s Perseverance: Paul went through countless hardships during his ministry. He was arrested, beaten, and shipwrecked among other things. But he never lost faith in God. In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Paul says “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” These words show that even when everything is going wrong you can still turn to God for strength like Paul did and come out stronger than before. This talks about how no matter what happens in life having an unyielding trust in God will help us get through them because they know that there is always something better waiting for them afterwards which gives them hope.

Paul’s determination serves as a strong indication that no matter how overpowering our situations may be, God’s grace is always enough. He knew that he was not strong in himself but through the power of God which finds its full expression in human frailty. From this viewpoint Paul was able to bear sufferings without despair because he believed that God never left him and His help never failed. The life and teachings of Paul teach us to hold on tight our faith during trials with the assurance that God will see us through and His strength will be our refuge. Whenever we are weak, it is then that we should know that there is nothing impossible with Him which enables us to surmount all kinds of challenges.

These biblical examples illustrate that discouragement is a common experience, even for those who are deeply committed to God. The key is to respond with faith, seeking God’s presence, and trusting in His ability to bring us through.

3. Practical Steps to Overcome Setbacks

Having looked at how the biblical figures dealt with their discouragement, let us now go through some practical measures that you can employ to handle setbacks during recovery:

Refocus on God’s Promises:  If discouragement occurs, among the most effectual things to recover strength is reorienting toward God’s promises. During trials, it is easy to feel like we are drowning in our problems; but when we flip through His word again, we find faith. This becomes even more important at this point: meditating on Scriptures that talk about how reliable He is. For example, there’s Isaiah 41:10 which says, “Don’t fear because I’m with you; don’t be scared because I’m your God! I’ll make you strong and help you, supporting with my victorious right hand.”

This reassurance should remind us powerfully that while wrestling against anything – anyone or anything – we are not alone in this fight! The Lord never leaves nor forsakes us but stays by our side always seeing to our needs so as not to let them go unmet. These verses direct our attention away from what seems insurmountable towards Who never changes even through tough times such as these: His character remains steadfast forevermore. We can take hold of this truth that not only does He promise never to leave nor forsake us but also pledges Himself selflessly towards strengthening each weak area within ourselves until we become stronger individuals for Him alone (Romans 5:8). In short, therefore, when disappointment comes around once again, all one has got to do is think over what God said – this will bring relief by aligning thoughts back into line with facts, thereby making them.

Persevere in Prayer: Persistent prayer is important to bounce back after failures. In difficult times, we can be tempted to withdraw or become too disheartened to pray. But it is essential to take your challenges to God even when you don’t feel like it, because prayer is not just a ritual but rather a lifeline that connects us with the presence and power of God. When we are consistent in our praying, we acknowledge our need for Him, thus creating room for His intervention in our lives.

There are moments when everything seems stagnant or there are no immediate changes visible, but let’s always remember that He hears us whenever we call out to Him. Even if we may not see it now, know that He’s busy working on your behalf – bringing about answers and giving strength where necessary. This confidence in the reliability of God, developed through persistent prayer, helps us persevere past any setback until we come out victorious at last. Hence, by continually laying before Him all our worries and troubles through supplication, His peace, which surpasses human understanding, guards hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-7), thereby making us able to cope with life’s challenges better than before while also inviting more knowledge from above concerning what ought to be done next, so that His perfect plan can unfold within us beyond what we could ever think, dream, or imagine, according to His power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

Celebrate Small Victories: To maintain hope and motivation, it is important to recognize and celebrate small victories during the recovery process. Sometimes we tend to concentrate too much on our ultimate goal as we heal or develop ourselves thereby failing to notice any advancement. Nonetheless, no matter how little they may be, all steps forward hold great significance. These signs of improvement are not only landmarks but also visible proofs that God never stops working in a person’s life.

You affirm that He is leading us through our healing by appreciating such wins because what this does is show us – his continual support towards our getting better again. The realization of every minor success should remind you about one thing – God’s grace which keeps moving us closer towards being complete once more. It therefore becomes necessary for individuals like yourself to accept them with thanksgiving and happiness so that they can encourage themselves whenever necessary particularly when the trip seems too long or hard. Having an attitude where-by we acknowledge these little triumphs helps foster positive thinking as well as endurance thus confirming that indeed with God everything is possible hence significant headway being made along your journey to recovery.

Engage in Worship: Worship possesses an astonishing power to uplift and transform. Once life’s trials start to pull us under, our attention should be diverted from troubles towards God’s magnanimity during worship. We see that he is majestic; we remember that his love endures forever; we take it in: this very thought outweighs whatever difficulty may have come our way!

In order for the truth about who God really is to sink deep down inside us where it belongs -we need time spent soaking in worship services. When praises go up everything else seems to disappear because fear cannot remain where light dwells. It is good to worship God not only because He deserves honor but also because doing so gives us hope again; when I am filled with peace knowing full well that everything really will be all right – it’s then that my trust returns into His hands once more. This helps me align what I think with what God says so that His power and grace can work through every situation of mine; no matter how tough things seem or become – they are just temporary bumps on life’s road when compared against the backdrop of eternity since one day soon even death itself shall pass away forevermore!. And through such acts we always remember no matter what comes knocking at our door steps – be encouraged!

Seek Counsel: In moments of gloominess, it is important to reach out to your counselor or a trusted spiritual guide. These individuals are there to offer wisdom, prayer, and support—three invaluable resources when we experience failures. Sometimes, when we are discouraged, it seems as if nobody understands us or that everything is falling apart around us; however, seeking advice from someone who knows and cares may bring light where it was dark before, thus giving us hope back.

When you find yourself in a situation where nothing seems to make sense anymore or where life feels meaningless, don’t hesitate to talk about such things with those who are more experienced. They may have gone through similar situations themselves and can help steer us towards what really matters at the moment while providing new insights into reality that would be otherwise impossible for anyone else but them. Don’t let discouragement hold you back from seeking guidance; talking with these people often provides an opportunity to see things differently and gives the encouragement needed to move forward. So, don’t wait until everything gets better before contacting a spiritual mentor or therapist—take action today!

Foster Community: Connecting with a supportive community of believers is crucial, especially during tough times. It’s possible to feel alone or overwhelmed during trials, but having people around who uplift, pray, and affirm God’s word over you can make a significant difference. The emotional buoyancy offered by these relationships is not to be underestimated, as belonging somewhere and sharing faith with others plays a vital role in uplifting our spirits.

In like-minded communities, you find individuals who are willing to accompany you through your journey, speaking life into each other and praying for strength from above. They encourage you to remain steadfast in what the Lord has said rather than focusing solely on your circumstances. Sharing faith helps build a strong foundation of convictions even amidst difficulties, so it’s important to maintain these ties, which form the basis for love that spiritually nourishes and supports you through various stages.

Such communities provide words of strength and prayers that bolster your spiritual well-being. They remind you of God’s promises, helping you stay focused on His truth despite your situation. These connections create an environment where believers support each other’s faith, making it easier to continue believing even during hard moments. Nurturing these associations builds a strong foundation of love, care, and spiritual nourishment, serving as an anchor when life presents its challenges, leaving you filled with assurance and hope.

By taking these practical steps, you position yourself to overcome setbacks and continue moving forward in your recovery.

4. Christian Inner Healing through Spiritual Warfare Training

Our compassionate Father deeply desires to heal the inward wounds and emotional pain that life has inflicted upon us. As we bring our disappointments, traumas, and areas of brokenness before Him, God’s redemptive judgments in the Courts of Heaven bring powerful restoration to our souls. Scripture reveals how much God cares about binding up the brokenhearted and healing our emotional wounds (Psalm 147:3, Isaiah 61:1-3). He invites us to come boldly before His throne of grace to find mercy and help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). As the Great Physician, He is committed to setting us free emotionally as well as spiritually, mending our hearts and restoring our lives (Luke 4:18-19).

A vital key to inner healing is coming to Jesus directly with our broken areas, asking Him to heal and restore us. Through our free training, "Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing," we learn to engage with Jesus in a process that brings deep emotional restoration. This involves separating soul from spirit, forgiving those who have wounded us, inviting Jesus into our pain, and receiving His healing by faith. As we follow these steps, we open ourselves to the transformative work of Christ, allowing Him to heal the wounds of the past and set us free.

Walking through this process of inner healing requires practical steps that lead us to wholeness in Christ. By identifying areas of pain, renouncing bitterness, and breaking unhealthy ties to the past, we allow Jesus to speak truth and comfort directly to our hearts. As we fill our minds with Scripture and embrace our identity in Christ, the wounds of the past lose their power. Through this journey, we experience the deep emotional and spiritual healing our Father longs to bring, enabling us to live in the fullness of His love and purpose for our lives.

Embracing Perseverance and Faith

In conclusion, remember that failures and frustrations do not signify the end of recovery. They are part of God’s way of increasing faith, building character, and drawing individuals closer to Himself. Just as David, Elijah, and Paul found hope in God during their most trying moments, you too can take heart and continue.

Embrace persistence, hold tightly to faith, and recognize that He walks beside you throughout your journey. If He began a good work within you, His faithfulness will see it to completion, even unto death. In Jesus' name, I pray this message has filled you with hope for your healing and recovery journey. Amen!


Pastor Timothy Tomlinson

Healing The Brokenhearted

References to Additional Resources:


  1. YouVersion ( YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.

Online Courses

  1. "Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

  2. "Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.

  3. "The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, enabling participants to gain freedom from the enemy and experience healing through accessing the Mercy Court of Heaven.


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