"David's Secret Strategies for Spiritual Warfare" and his insights into our adversary
The Overcomers Guide: Insights into our Adversary
The Invisible War - Biblical Secrets for Victory in Spiritual Warfare
Weekly Free Deliverance Service Replay 08/29/2023
There is an invisible war raging all around us. Demonic powers and forces of darkness continually work to undermine God's kingdom purposes on earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must learn to recognize these spiritual enemies and develop effective strategies to defeat them.
King David stands out in Scripture as a courageous warrior against demonic forces. David discovered powerful secrets enabling him to emerge victorious time and again in fierce spiritual battles. By examining David's example, we can equip ourselves with biblical weapons to overcome the adversary's attacks in our own lives.
Understanding Our Adversary
The first secret to winning any war is gaining insight about your enemy. Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." King David spent time in God's presence receiving revelation about the supernatural foes he faced. We must follow David's example by examining what Scripture reveals about our crafty adversary.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible progressively unfolds the identity and nature of our chief spiritual enemy – Satan. The serpent in Eden who tempted Eve acted under Satan's influence as Revelation 12:9 reveals: "The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray." Though not directly named in Genesis, this cunning tempter sought from the beginning to dethrone God and enthrone himself.
Isaiah 14 provides insight into Satan's original identity as Lucifer, a privileged cherub angels created beautiful and blameless. But Lucifer's splendor bred bone-chilling hubris. He aspired in deluded vanity to enthrone himself above the Almighty, declaring "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14). Rather than exalt himself over God, Lucifer was brought down to Sheol for this revolt. Jesus Himself witnessed Satan fall from heaven like lightning (Luke 10:18). This rebel angel now opposes God's kingdom as the devil, which means "slanderer" or "adversary."
1 Peter 5:8 warns that the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking victims to devour. Revelation 12:10 condemns him as the "accuser of our brothers and sisters" who continually hurls accusations against believers before God's throne. Jesus called Satan a murderer and father of lies in John 8:44, one who blinds minds to the truth.
Sample prayer using King David's as a example:
O Lord my God, as David sought Your face for revelation, I ask You to open my eyes to the true nature of my adversary, the devil. Even in Eden he worked through the serpent to tempt Eve, as that ancient serpent identified as Satan in Revelation 12:9. From the beginning he has endeavored to enthrone himself above You, his Creator.
As David wrote in Psalm 83:2, "See how your enemies growl, how your foes rear their heads." So my enemy the devil seeks to oppose Your kingdom, O God. Yet as David declared in Psalm 68:1-2, "May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. May you blow them away like smoke." Though Satan rages against You, I take comfort in David's words that You will defeat him. I ask You to disgrace the devil and put him to shame for his rebellion and accusations, as David prayed in Psalm 35:4. I will fear no evil, for as David affirmed in Psalm 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?" Through Christ's finished work, we have overcome! All glory to You, O God!
The Devil's Demonic Forces
In addition to Satan, David contended with demonic spirits - fallen angels who rebelled with Satan against God. Revelation 12:4 reveals how the dragon (Satan) took a third of the angels with him when he was hurled from heaven. As punishment for their disobedience, these rebellious angels were banished from God's presence and condemned to gloomy pits, becoming demons (Jude 1:6; 2 Peter 2:4).
The demonic spirits David encountered exhibited traits that revealed their satanic origins. Demons exercised supernatural strength, provoked radical personality changes, inflicted physical disabilities, and resisted divine authority. David understood these were not just illnesses, but evil spirits requiring spiritual weapons. Through experience, David learned to engage and overcome them through God's power.
Sample prayer using King David's as a example:
O Lord my God, as David cried out amid spiritual battles, I call upon Your name, for You alone are my rock, my fortress and deliverer. When evil spirits assail me, I take refuge in You, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, as David prayed in Psalm 18:2.
I ask You to dispatch Your angels against the forces of darkness as David implored in Psalm 35:5-6, "May angel of the Lord pursue them...May the path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them." Surround me with Your heavenly host, O Lord. When demons seek to torment me, I affirm Christ's victory as David wrote in Psalm 68:1-2, "May God arise, may His enemies be scattered...may the wicked perish before God." Jesus disarmed and triumphed over all demonic rulers by the cross. I take up the full armor of God as David declared in Psalm 144:1, "Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." Through faith in Your unconquerable might, I shall overcome all the power of the enemy. In Jesus' victorious name, Amen!
Tactics of Our Adversary
To defeat demonic attacks, David learned to identify and expose his enemy's schemes. Forewarned and forearmed with discernment of Satan's tactics, David could resist effectively. What are some key strategies revealed in David's writings we must guard against today?
One insidious tactic is deception. David repeatedly sought protection from deceit, lies and false witnesses. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14), twisting perceptions of reality to manipulate outcomes. David asked God to silence lies and destroy those speaking falsehood (Psalm 5:6, 63:11).
David also contended with the tactic of accusation. In Psalm 109 when betrayed by Ahithophel, David cried out that his enemy falsely accused him without cause, just as Satan accused Job (Job 1:9-11). But Scripture declares Satan as the accuser is cast down (Rev. 12:10)!
In addition, David battled against the tactic of temptation - enticement toward sin that could quench the Spirit. Though David sadly yielded at times, he learned to depend on God's strength to resist temptation. We too must remain vigilant against the devil's lures (James 4:7).
Finally, affliction and opposition comprise key tactics of our adversary. David endured fierce persecution, yet trusted God through every storm. Though distressing, these attacks refined David's dependence on God.
Sample prayer using King David's as a example:
Heavenly Father, Your servant David discerned the schemes of his enemy to stand firm in spiritual battles. Teach me also through Your Word to recognize the devil's tactics. Protect me from deception, the devil's masquerade as an angel of light described in 2 Corinthians 11:14. When the accuser hurls allegations, I declare Your truth that Satan is cast down, as Revelation 12:10 promises. Guard my mind from false condemnation.
Keep me vigilant against temptation, relying on Your strength to resist the devil's lures, as James 4:7 instructs. Though the enemy afflicts me with opposition, I anchor my hope in Your sovereign purpose and redeeming grace. You make all things work for good. David's example inspires me to trust You through every storm. I take refuge in Your shadow, O God Most High, where no evil can touch me. You alone are my rock, fortress and deliverer in spiritual warfare. In Jesus' victorious name, Amen.
David’s Battle Strategies for Victory
Equipped with discernment of his enemy's schemes, David developed counter strategies that enabled him to walk in victory against spiritual attacks. Through depending on divine revelation and God's promised deliverance, David overcame overwhelming opposition. What can we learn from David's battle-tested methods?
1. Call upon the name of the Lord – When facing any threat, David’s first recourse was to call upon Yahweh as his rock, fortress and deliverer (Psalm 18:2). He cried out to God to intervene against the enemy.
Sample prayer: O Lord my Rock, I call upon your name for deliverance from my enemies. Like David facing Goliath, I am small and the threats loom large. Yet you are mighty to save. Be my fortress as I take refuge in you. As David wrote, "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer" (Psalm 18:2). I know that with you on my side, no weapon formed against me shall stand.
2. Take refuge in God’s presence – David continually sought sanctuary in God’s protective presence, declaring "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
Sample prayer: Lord, I seek sanctuary in your presence where no evil can reach me. Surround me with your angels to guard and protect. As David prayed, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Keep me secure in the shadow of your wings away from the attacks and accusations of the wicked one. May I dwell in your holy habitation until the danger passes.
3. Pray for God’s supernatural help – David urgently implored God to dispatch his angels against demonic powers trying to attack him (Psalm 34:7).
Sample prayer: Almighty God, send your heavenly hosts to fight for me. Release your angels to withstand the forces of darkness trying to destroy me. Like David, I plead for supernatural intervention saying "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them" (Psalm 34:7). May your angelic army subdue the powers of evil and make your glory known. I put my trust in your mighty deliverance.
4. Expose demonic deception – David brought the enemy’s lies and false allegations into the light through prayer. He asked God to break the teeth of the wicked (Psalm 3:7).
Sample prayer: Lord, I renounce the lies of the enemy seeking to deceive me. Through prayer I bring these false allegations into the light of your truth. Give me discernment to recognize deception. Help me break its power like David who prayed "Break the teeth in their mouths, O God" (Psalm 3:7) against those speaking falsely against him. No weapon of deception will prosper against me.
5. Trust God’s faithfulness – Despite affliction, David anchored his hope in God’s covenant love and redemption. He remembered God's mighty works (Psalm 77:11).
Sample prayer: Despite my troubles, I anchor my hope in your unfailing love for me. Like David, I remember your covenant faithfulness saying "I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago" (Psalm 77:11). Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your redemption secures my victory.
6. Praise God continually – David exalted the Lord in worship, creating an atmosphere of praise enabling God's power to defeat evil spirits (Psalm 34:1).
Sample prayer: I exalt your holy name, O Lord. Surrounded by praise, no evil can stand. Like David, I will bless the Lord at all times, your praise always on my lips (Psalm 34:1). My worship ushers in your power and presence, creating an atmosphere for you to move and defeat every evil assignment against me. Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world.
7. Stand on God's promises – David combatted doubt by declaring Scripture against the enemy. God's Word became a spiritual weapon (Psalm 119:49).
Sample prayer: Despite my feelings, I stand on your promises. Against every attack and accusation I proclaim your Word like David who said “Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart” (Psalm 119:111). No weapon formed against me shall prosper. You have plans to prosper me and not to harm me. I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me.
Our Eternal Victory in Christ
What marvelous encouragement that although our adversary continues harassing believers, his final defeat is certain! Jesus assured us He has overcome the world and granted authority to tread on serpents and scorpions – symbols of demonic powers (Luke 10:19). No weapon formed against us can prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
The day is coming soon when God will crush Satan under our feet (Rom. 16:20). Until then, we can walk confidently in the authority of Jesus' name and the sword of the Spirit, assured that He who is in us is greater (1 John 4:4). Continue wielding God’s Word in prayer and praise, wearing the helmet of salvation, and holding up the shield of faith (Eph. 6:16-17). The hosts of heaven and the Holy Spirit fight for us! We have nothing to fear.
King David discovered through experience that taking refuge in God provides all we need to overcome demonic attacks. As we call upon the Lord in fervent prayer, He will empower us to walk in victory as more than conquerors. Let us determine to remain vigilant against our adversary’s schemes. By standing firm in our faith and God’s unfailing promises, we shall demolish every stronghold of darkness. All glory, power and dominion to the Lamb who has conquered! Hallelujah!
Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:
Sharon's Testimony:
Sharon reached out during the deliverance service because she has noticed generational patterns in her family of stagnation, backlessness, financial lack, and poverty. She also shared that her sister had a stroke, and she was trying to break these curses off of herself and her children (Matthew 5:16).
Pastor Timothy walked her through inner healing for childhood trauma of being raped as a child. He had her call on Jesus' name and authority and divide her soul and spirit to allow Jesus access to heal that part of her (Hebrews 4:12). He asked if she could forgive the person who raped her, and she affirmed she could choose to forgive and release them. Pastor Timothy led her to ask Jesus to heal that part of her and give confirmation to move forward.
Jesus ministered to Sharon by telling her "it's not my fault" regarding the rape. He affirmed he was there with her when it happened. Sharon felt the trauma and pain being healed by Jesus. She also heard generational curses of witchcraft broken off her bloodline. By following Pastor Timothy's guidance, Sharon received inner healing and deliverance through encounter with Jesus and his confirmation to keep moving forward in freedom (John 8:36).
Carmen's Testimony:
Carmen reached out for guidance regarding her husband, who is convinced he is hearing from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit directly. He has been doing and saying unusual things he believes are being directed by God. Carmen has observed this pattern of deception from spirits trying to imitate God before. Her husband is currently in a mental health facility but still defends his experiences as from God. Carmen came for clarity on the situation.
Pastor Timothy encouraged Carmen to continue lifting her husband in prayer and intercession, standing in the gap for him before God's throne (1 Timothy 2:1-2). He then walked her through inner healing for her own hurt in the situation. Carmen called on Jesus' authority to access her pain. She chose to forgive her husband, the doctors, and family members who judge without understanding the spiritual aspects. Pastor Timothy led her to ask God for confirmation to move forward.
In ministering to Carmen, Jesus brought confirmation he has already been showing her clarity and discernment about discerning his true voice. Carmen had felt confused before, thinking her husband was hearing from God. But now she has gained insight and revelation into properly differentiating God's voice. Although the peace was not strong, Carmen believed God was working in her through the inner healing. She also did self-deliverance and commanded any spirits behind the confusion and fear to leave in Jesus' name (James 4:7).
Ronald's Testimony:
Ronald reached out for inner healing and deliverance for insomnia and depression. He recently returned to the Lord after wandering away for many years. During that time he endured psychiatric hospitalizations. Now in his own apartment, Ronald is immersing himself in God's Word and prayer but believes he needs additional inner healing and deliverance.
Pastor Timothy explained deliverance is a process and encouraged Ronald to be patient as the Lord walks him through layers of healing. They did inner healing for childhood trauma when Ronald's parents divorced at age 13, which was devastating. Ronald forgave his parents and called on Jesus to heal that broken part of him and bring confirmation to move forward.
Although Ronald did not tangibly feel or see anything different after the inner healing, he stated he knew Jesus was working. Pastor Timothy explained that sometimes we do not perceively hear God's voice in the process, but we are still to come to him persistently as a friend. Ronald committed to continuing the process before bed when insomnia strikes, calling on Jesus for further restoration (Luke 18:1-8). While not immediate, Ronald received direction to persevere for complete inner healing and deliverance.