Celebrate the progress with me!!!
Amy ★★★★★ VocalReferences Review
Please celebrate the progress with me!!! After our session and prayer, my daughter who didn’t want to talk to me kept coming around me to chit chat like we use to. Today, Same. We had lunch today and she didn’t wear her dark blue almost black nail polish and makeup. She took it off yesterday and said she decided to go back red. She dressed normal for lunch. She looked at me in the eyes when we talked for first time in a long time, no attitude. After lunch she came home and sat in the sun and said how great she felt. I’m noticing so many improvements today in just one day. I spent more time praying for her and also my other children in the courtroom of heaven, and I will continue. I even did it for my ex husband who is being financially resistant in the divorce. Thank you so much!! Praise the Lord!!