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Wednesday Night Service LIVE Group Deliverance

Experience Freedom
Join us for our free deliverance service! In this intimate, live group session, Pastor Timothy Tomlinson will lead you through inner healing, deliverance, and spiritual warfare training. 

Healing Awaits - Sign Up for Deliverance

Learn how to break free from strongholds, overcome demonic oppression, heal emotional wounds, and walk in true freedom through the power of Jesus Christ. This is an interactive service where Pastor Timothy teaches practical steps, prays for volunteers, and answers your questions.

During each 1-hour deliverance session, you'll discover:

- The biblical model for deliverance, inner healing and exorcism
- How to wage effective spiritual warfare 
- Healing prayers and renunciation
- Testimonies of freedom

Freedom in Christ - Interactive Service

People from all walks of life have found restoration, hope and transformation through these services. You don't have to live with depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, or other forms of bondage any longer. 

Experience the love and power of Jesus for yourself every other Tuesday! This life-changing deliverance service is absolutely free for all to attend. Just sign up now to get access to the weekly video conference link.

Break Every Chain - Join Our Interactive Deliverance

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Get Unstuck

Are you desperate for breakthrough but feel blocked spiritually? Join us for intimate mentoring on the Courts of Heaven with Pastor Timothy Tomlinson. 


In this free, interactive webinar, you'll learn step-by-step how to come before Jesus as Judge to find swift justice and freedom. Pastor Timothy will teach you how to identify demonic legal rights granted through personal sin, generational curses, broken-heartedness, and trauma. 


Experience Swift Justice - Courts of Heaven Teaching


Freedom Through the Courts

Volunteers will come forward and Pastor Timothy will provide real-time guidance as they go through the process of presenting their case before God. You'll see firsthand how to boldly approach the throne and argue your case. Pastor Timothy will walk individuals through renouncing agreements with darkness, receiving inner healing, and settling their case once and for all.


During each session, Pastor Timothy will answer your questions and provide wisdom gained from over 15 years of ministry experience. You'll get downloadable notes to reinforce each week's teaching.


Settle Your Case - Targeted Spiritual Guidance


Whether you're stuck in cycles of failure and bad luck or desperate for justice in a certain area, these targeted mentoring sessions will illuminate the path forward. You'll gain skills to wage spiritual warfare in the courtroom of Heaven. 


Say goodbye to unanswered prayers and unlock breakthrough! Join us every other Tuesday as we stand on God's promises for swift justice. With compassion and authority, Pastor Timothy will equip you to find freedom through the Courts.


End the Delay - Register for Live Courts Mentorship

New Book Release: The Daniel Prayer Playbook

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"The Daniel Prayer Playbook" book authored by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is an insightful exploration of the Courts of Heaven, offering strategies for believers to bring their prayers directly to God. This guide draws inspiration from the life of Daniel and other biblical figures, teaching readers how to achieve personal and spiritual breakthroughs by accessing divine justice. It provides a deep dive into the dynamics of prayer and intercession, focusing on the role of Jesus in overturning adversarial claims in the heavenly courtroom, which promotes profound healing and freedom. Through compelling stories of transformation under Pastor Timothy's guidance, the book not only educates but also inspires readers to engage in their own spiritual battles, providing practical tools and a 7-day devotional to help integrate these teachings into daily life.


Join us for a Free transformative event focused on recovery from Satanic Ritual Abuse through Christian Deliverance and Inner Healing. This program, under Jesus Christ's guidance, is designed to combat spiritual oppression, break curses, and support deprogramming efforts. Participants will explore deep spiritual battles and find sanctuary in a supportive environment enriched by faith, hope, and love. Our mission is to empower you towards a future of peace, wholeness, and spiritual renewal. Engage in a journey of liberation and reclaim control over your life with us.


Psalm 147:3 (NLT)

"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds."


This free event is not just an occasion for seeking relief but an invitation to a life-changing journey designed to help you overcome demonic oppression, hopelessness, depression, anxiety, and much more.


Why Attend?

  • Comprehensive Healing: Break free from the chains of demonic oppression, depression, anxiety, and the shadows of past traumas. Our ministry is dedicated to offering deliverance and healing to those ensnared by spiritual and emotional afflictions.

  • Empowerment Through Scripture: Learn to wield the Word of God as your weapon in spiritual warfare, gaining the victory in Jesus' name. Our approach is rooted in biblical practices of deliverance, providing you with the tools for lasting freedom.

  • Personalized Ministry: We recognize the unique struggles of each individual. Through prayer, teaching, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we aim to address the specific areas where you need breakthrough and healing.

  • Community and Support: You're not alone in your journey. Join a community of believers who have witnessed the transformative power of Christ. Our service is a place of compassion, understanding, and shared faith.


Luke 4:18-19 (NKJV) 

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."


Event Highlights

  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in live teachings and Q&A sessions, providing you with direct access to spiritual guidance and support.

  • Real-Life Testimonies: Hear from those who have walked this path before you and have found freedom and peace through our ministry.

  • Spiritual Warfare Training: Equip yourself with the knowledge and spiritual tools necessary to stand firm against the enemy.

  • Practical Steps for Healing: Learn how to apply the principles of inner healing to your life, fostering a deeper connection with Jesus.


About Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
My name is Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, and I have dedicated over 15 years to ministry, serving in various capacities including worship pastor, youth pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. I have been privileged to lead my own church, Kingdom Bible Church, and for the past 14 years, I have been the guiding force behind Healing the Brokenhearted, a Christian Counseling Ministry.


Proverbs 15:22: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."


I bring to my role a rich blend of experience and specialized training as a Christian counselor and spiritual guide. My professional journey in counseling began with New Life Ministries, where I was deeply involved in both group and individual sessions, focusing on marriage guidance and support for troubled youth. Under the mentorship of Senior Pastor Lawrence Fontana and Associate Pastor Carol Paris, I gained invaluable insights and skills. Their guidance was instrumental in shaping my approach to counseling, particularly in developing a deep understanding of diverse personal and spiritual struggles. This experience has been fundamental in equipping me to provide empathetic and effective counsel, allowing me to connect with and support individuals through their unique life challenges and spiritual journeys.


Under the mentorship of Dr. Scott Bicton, a respected expert in Christian Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Exorcisms, I honed my skills in these sensitive and profound areas of spiritual healing. Additionally, my formal training in Biblical Counseling from New Life Ministries has equipped me with an extensive understanding of scriptural wisdom, enriching my ability to guide individuals through life's challenges with faith-based solutions.


In my current role at Healing the Brokenhearted, we specialize in pastoral counseling, inner healing, deliverance, exorcisms, and facilitating encounters with Jesus as judge in the Courts of Heaven. Our mission is to aid individuals who are grappling with broken hearts, demonic oppression, and various obstacles that impede their spiritual and emotional progress. We offer personalized sessions, including opportunities for deliverance and to present cases in the heavenly courts.


My personal testimony is one of experiencing God's healing power firsthand. Having been delivered from a tobacco addiction and the heartache following the loss of my daughter, I am a living testament to His grace and mercy. This journey fuels my passion for sharing His love and healing power with others.


Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."


If you are seeking healing and restoration, I warmly invite you to connect with me and my dedicated team at Healing the Brokenhearted. We are committed to walking alongside you on your journey, helping you to experience the profound love and transformative power of Jesus.

Testimony from Jens-Boye Hauge

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Receive guidance in issues that you want the Lord to heal, experienced advice and facilitation for the Lord to heal them. Timothy is kind, warm hearted, passionate for Jesus and loves to be in the Lord’s service as well as helping brothers and sisters in Christ. I fully recommend Timothy Tomlinson’s Ministries in the journey to seek out the freedom the Lord has for us.

Testimony from Hanna Youn

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My personal experience here felt life-saving and overwhelmingly edifying during a time of personal spiritual confusion and turmoil. It really is a ministry. I received a lot of unexpected encouragement from Jesus which helped release me from some life threatening lies that I did not recognize I was deeply fighting against. and guidance/tools for experiencing the inner healing and deliverance that flows from the cross. I felt that pastor Timothy is surrendered to Christ and professional. I would recommend anyone to reach out and see what God has in store for them. The ministry feels like a deep gem of light to me. I am so thankful.

Testimony from Shimon Moore

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Tim Tomlinson is truly led by Holy Spirit. His ministry is anointed. I learned a lot during the 90 minute session I can use every day, and the whole experience was scripture-based and uplifting. I highly recommend! 

Testimony from Camila Sousa

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On this spiritual journey, we all need to be guided and I believe it is the Holy Spirit that guides us to the right person at the exact moment we need it. I searched a lot and when I saw timothy's profile I was confident that it would be a key for me to go further on my journey. Thank you for the amazing session we had, Inner Healing and Deliverance is essential for any Christian.

Testimony from James Harris:

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Jesus delivered my husband through Pastor Tim’s council. It was simple and easy and such a blessing. They did it a month ago and the healing they did remains. Jesus is our deliverer and the way that pastor Tim brings Jesus to heal wounds really works. Praise God and thank you pastor Tim!

Testimony from Pastor Andrett N.

In my search for healing from painful childhood memories related to my grandfather's involvement in Freemasonry, I sought help from Pastor Timothy. He guided me through the process of seeking forgiveness and healing from Jesus. As I forgave my grandparents and others involved, I felt Jesus comforting me and promising to cast those memories into the abyss. With Pastor Timothy's guidance, I commanded the demonic spirits to go to the pit in Jesus' name. I am grateful for Pastor Timothy's support and the healing I experienced through Jesus Christ

Testimony from Alma Beston:

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Because I have sought God for many years, my personal trial had not been ended according to the will and way of our Lord God Almighty. Rev. Tomlinson has sought and received the gift of the Holy Spirit by Power/Fire as the disciples received on the day of Pentecost. This means that God speaks through him and I wanted the assurance from God and not from a human counsellor perspective. Rev. Tomlinson, is a man after God's heart and will listen differently to us and receive guidance from the Lord that is priceless guidance.

Testimony from Nevada:

Hi, my name is Nevada and I've been struggling with a demon that doesn't seem to go away. It's been attacking me every day, and I believe I opened up a door through New Age religion. I came across Pastor Timothy Tomlinson's webinars and decided to seek help. He taught me about going before the courts of Heaven to receive healing and deliverance. Through the process, I experienced freedom and peace, but I know there's still more that Jesus wants to heal in me. I have to continue to work at it and be a doer. One scripture that brings me hope is Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

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